The Twins

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 Cole smiled at Blake, more people, Jenna will be happy! Speaking of Jenna, Dalton was trying to stop her from jumping Blake for who they are. "Who are they?" Cole asks before Jenna breaks free from her restraints and sits calmly as if she had not been trying to attack someone, easily the scariest person in camp. Blake rubbed the back of his head, "Well, they aren't exactly one person, they're twins."

Jenna is now bouncing in the background and Cole asks, "Well who are they?" Blake shifted uncomfortably in his seat, "The Corey twins..." this caught Dalton's attention, while both Jenna and Cole sat confused. Blake quickly explained that the Corey twins were made up of two identical study oriented girls named Amber and Angelica. They were both Sambiran shapers, one was an architect while the other was in the medicinal practices.

Both would be a great asset to the camp, as they were all currently living in tents and there weren't even band-aids so the twins would be a great help. Until Dalton spoke up, "Shouldn't we wait a bit? The camp was made yesterday, so maybe we should watch them, you know, get better footing, make rules and what not." Cole nodded, Dalton was right they were moving too fast.

Jenna sagged, "Aww fine, so rules what are the rules?" Blake nodded in agreement. And thus, the rules they created:

No one is to talk about camp or anything that happens in it to people who are not in camp.

You don't have to live in camp but you do have to train there, no power usage outside camp. (Save for when you need to threaten someone to protect the camp)

Bringing someone in must be discussed with camp leader (Cole) and a person must bring their own tent, (food is welcome).

Fighting is not allowed as the camp is not that big, small sparring is though.

Cole is in charge, most problems that can't be solved go to him.

They all agreed on these rules and went to make dinner, or more like Cole made dinner and Jenna annoyed him while Dalton was trying to stop her he got distracted in a conversation with Blake. This is how it went for the next week and a half, they spoke to parents and went to school telling people that their friend group were camping in tents with no phones.

A week and a half later

"Come on Cole please! I've been talking to them, or trying to anyway, but we should bring them in!" This is Jenna yet again begging Cole to bring in the twins, and she is expecting the same "no" that she usually gets but is instead happily surprised with a "Yeah sure" under the condition that she bring Blake.

Blake was just as happy as Jenna when he heard the news, this was his first mission! Even though they didn't have missions. It was the weekend and the twins were happily chatting at a picnic table on the other side of the park. Jenna practically skipped up to them, "Amber, Angelica! Fancy seeing you ladies here!" The twins frowned at each other then at Jenna, Blake scooted away from Jenna. "Hi Jenna, what are you doing here?" one of them asked and Jenna replied with a "Oh Angelica have I got a proposal for you! How would you like to join our camp!"

The other one, Amber? spoke up, "The one you and your friends have been staying in for the past almost two weeks?" Jenna nodded enthusiastically and the twins laughed "Why would we want to join your stupid camp?" Blake sat down "Well, weird question, but have you ever noticed any missing memories?" Angelica giggled, "Right and why would we have anything like that?" but Amber stayed quiet. "Amber?" Jenna asked and Amber nodded, "What like five or six years ago? I don't really remember being thirteen at all."

"Don't tell them that!" Angelica cried "Well they might have answers that we don't Angel! I'm tired of questions." and Angelica huffed, "So... Do you have answers?" Amber asked hopefully and Blake nodded. Angelica glanced over, "Then tell us." Jenna shook her head "We can't tell you, but if you follow us to our camp then Cole can." It took a bit for Amber to convince her sister but eventually they arrived at the wall. The twins glanced at each other and Jenna backed into the hidden door waving, when she disappeared they gasped and Blake shrugged and gestured for them to follow.

Amber stepped hesitantly towards the thorn wall and reached her hand out, her sister grabbed her arm, Amber looked back and stuck her hand through the wall. They must have expected thorns to dig into skin but instead they sank through the wall and ended up in camp. In the back the stream trickled over stones, a bright red tent sat next to a green one near the door, a gray one a little further off and a purplish gray tent sat by the creek. In the middle of the camp was an unlit campfire and four blankets, one for each tent, there was a small white tent that Dalton was digging through.

Blake followed the twins through and called out a greeting to Dalton and got a water bottle and a grin in response. Jenna sat down on the gray blanket and Dalton threw her some water as well. They all turned to the twins and Amber walked up and got handed a water and she sat down near Jenna on the purplish gray blanket. No one glared or gasped in horror so Angelica sat down next to her sister. Blake settled on the red blanket and Dalton sat on the green one next to him, they quickly struck up a conversation. Jenna turned to the twins, "So you'll have to wait for Cole to get back, but he should be here soon." Amber nodded and Angelica shrugged watching the already worn path telling where the magic door was.

"So how does that work anyway? The magic thorn door?" Angelica asked questioningly, "Oh that's just an illusion Dalton did." She pointed at the boy and he shrugged, "It wasn't too hard, but at least I didn't have to be asleep to shape." Jenna pressed her hand to her chest, "How dare you! I will have you know that I do not need to be asleep to shape!" Dalton nodded, "Right, you just put people to sleep." Jenna growled out a "Why you little.." and a boy walked into the clearing.

"Are they fighting again?" he asked Blake and he sighed when a nod was all he got in response. "Come on guys, we have new campers!" he gestured at the twins and Angelica spoke up, "We never said we were joining! We just followed you because you said you had answers!" Cole glanced at Blake and he nodded, then he glared at Dalton and Jenna and they looked away from each other. "Ok then, if you want answers then I suppose you shall get some."

Cole sat down in front of them and reached out his hands, the twins watched him and Jenna leaned over, "Grab his hand." she whispered loudly but Cole was unfazed, just focusing on them. Amber reached out her hand first and Angelica went to stop her but found she couldn't move to do so under Cole's gaze. So she also grabbed his hand and his eye glowed a bright white, the others just watched but it felt like the twins were burning inside.

But a wrong was righted, a slave was freed, Amber cried silently reliving her own hardships of the medicinal track she was forced into. Angelica remembered building in the capital for greedy men and they also remembered Cole taking power and saving them. They remembered journals they wrote and laughed at when they got older, they remembered a phantom pain on their wrist they couldn't place. Now they looked into Jenna's eyes and did not see the annoying girl who bothered them for a week but a war hero. In Blake's eye was not a jock who should be at a party but one of the youngest resistance fighters to survive in Zeropolis. Dalton was not a timid nerd but the most accomplished illusionist at his age, and Cole was no longer the kid who skipped a grade and went to college early, but the man who killed what may as well have been a god.

"Welcome to camp!"

Hello! I have finished my ghost fic and now I'm back with the longest chapter yet! Please don't hate me I am so sorry for leaving you for so long, but I am back and will be doing my best with this fic! Hope you enjoyed and have a great night/day!!


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