Bad Idea

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This ones a bit long, sorry it took so long!

Also there is a bit of a fight in this one sooo watch out!

I also had to make up so much whatnot for this chapter

At first they were happy with just tents, until it rained... a lot. Hunter and Cole came up with the idea of cabins, less rain, more room, beds. The camp rallied around this idea and the Sambrian shapers got to work, they made the first one for the camp doctor Amber. It took about a week but it worked well enough for them, so they made a cabin for Cole their camp leader. After that it was a cabin per kingdom, Sambria got one first since they were building them. While they worked the Zeropoliot's worked on power for the buildings, Lola made small way ports and with help from Hunter got them to stick. Now they had plumbing, running water, and a cooling and heating system.

By the time they finished three months had passed, Amber taught Hunter, Angelica, and Moss how to grow food with their shaping. They had full power along with training grounds, the new camp was far bigger than the last one, huge in comparison. Which was good since they had found another dozen campers in those three months. Being completely self-sufficient meant there was no reason to leave, of course they had patrol's around the woods but not much else. Dalton left at some point to check in on his parents, he came back running with bad news. His parents hid him but also informed him that both him and the rest of the camp were listed as wanted to the police. Illusions were placed over the camp now as well.

Now knowing there is no reason to leave is one thing, but having to stay locked in and hiding is a different thing altogether. One that the campers didn't like, they complained constantly about the situation. Dalton and the other Elloweerian illusionists hated refreshing the illusion over the camp so it didn't break, Lola and Hunter were tired of finding new spots to move the wayports so they didn't get caught. The Sambrians bemoaned about making all of the food and the Zeropoliot's were about to flat out refuse to help with the power anymore. Jenna and the other Necronumian's barely talked to the living anymore because they had spirits running around keeping track of the agents.

At some point Moss had enough and announced they were going to attack the police and tell them to leave them alone. Now maybe it was the lack of new people for the past few months, or the lack of sleep due to stress but a lot of them thought this was a great idea. Hunter shook his head and thought of it as a joke and went to his cabin, he had one for those who weren't from any of the kingdoms. Zack claimed they could take out the strong people and then surely they would be left alone, that's how it worked in the movies after all. Blake wanted revenge and quickly began to beg Dalton to go with them, the illusionist realized they really planned to go along with this. So agreed only to make sure they didn't do something stupid, and because Blake asked soooo nicely.

They planned to go the next day and charge right through the front door, and that is exactly what they did. Moss and Angel shaped them into some disguises, and Dalton turned both him and Blake invisible. So they walked right through the front door, Zack glanced around nervously, unsure of their decisions. Moss pulled their hood lower over their eyes and walked up to the front desk, "Hi there, I would like to report something." The lady at the desk looked up and nodded, she pulled out a piece of paper and a pen, "All right what about?" Moss pulled a twig out of their pocket, " I think I saw those wanted kids." The lady looked up sharply, "What- Where?!"

Moss reached up and pulled off their hood, bright green hair sticking out in random spots, "Right here." The lady hit an alarm just like the group thought she would, Moss gripped the twigs in their pockets tightly and ginned wide. Dalton revealed both him and Blake, Zack and Angel removed their hood glaring at the cops quickly closing in on them. Dalton stepped up, "Wait! We don't want problems!" Moss sighed, "He doesn't." getting a well deserved glare, "We only want to ask to be left alone, we have done nothing wrong other than protecting ourselves." An agent in a black suit walked out, " What about my agents you attacked?" Blake laughed, "They attacked first!" The sheriff stepped out with a gun in hand, " You are protecting Cole Randolph, a violent and unstable individual ."

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