The Conundrum

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 It had been about two weeks since the twins had joined camp, they shared a yellow tent and blanket. Angelica, who was now insisting upon being called Angel, had been practicing her shaping relentlessly, she already shaped a new fire pit for them and was now making benches and tables. Her sister was similar and shaped plants for medicinal use over and over until they were perfect, she had every cure they could need and then some. Blake worked with Amber all the time, he would make power crystals and she would make ways to use them. Fairy lights were their favorite tricks, Jenna would complain about how everyone was useful and she wasn't, until Cole reminded her that their shaping worked differently.

Not only had they noticed that their eyes would glow when they used their abilities, but they learned that Jenna could see spirits others couldn't. Sambrian shaping didn't melt away but stayed set no matter where it was, Dalton's shaping was easier than it used to be and he commonly shaped glowing magic like wisps. The other day when Blake got mad about something at home red sparks shot from his hands, he was now shooting targets and the blasts would clearly hurt. Jenna convinces Angel to make an arena and weapons explaining how one day they might need to fight. Jenna controlled spirits and used them as both weapons and look outs, the twins shaped their own daggers and swords, Blake could shoot people with his hands, and Dalton used trickery and a small knife.

Cole on the other hand chose to focus on his sword work instead of his shaping, other than powering people up he didn't think it was safe to mess with their shaping. He watched amused as Blake attempted and failed to hit Dalton with an energy beam, a cut on his back marked the end of the fight and the shorter boy helped him up. They laughed on the way to the black healer tent, Amber waved them in and Jenna and Angel laughed on the other side of the clearing. Cole thought of his family, mainly his brother, his brother was probably at home playing video games and on call with friends. He used to be one of the most feared person in the outskirts save for the king, and now he didn't even know where most of his scars came from. Then he thought of his mother and... "Shiiiittt...."

Cole dragged his hand down his face, "I have to go, family dinner." he called out and Dalton responded "Ok you're clear to go." They needed him to tell them they could leave, unless it was night someone would see them come through the wall. "Have fun!" Jenna called over her shoulder, Cole walked out of the door and kept going until he was at his parents house. His mother hugged him, his father made a few jokes, his sister ruffled his hair, his brother waved as he dragged himself from his games. They ate happily but Cole kept glancing over at Hunter, this was the first time he had really seen his brother since his memories returned, and just looking at him made Cole sad. After dinner Hunter pulled him over to the side, "Why did you keep staring at me during dinner?" he asked and Cole looked away, "Oh... well I had a question and I didn't know if I should ask you or not."

Hunter blinked and grinned, "Sure you can ask me anything!" Cole nodded and shuffled his feet and took a deep breath "Do you have missing or fuzzy memories?" Hunter shook his head immediately, "Nope I sure don't! Why?" Cole shrugged and walked away to help clean up. As time went on Cole kept getting angrier and angrier, how could he just push it all off, none of the rest of them did. Was he not bothered? Did he not care? Any rational thought would tell him that Hunter had no idea who he really was, he wasn't the investigator anymore, but that just made Cole even more angry. It must have been an hour and Cole was fuming, he marched to Hunter's room, if he didn't remember who he was Cole was gonna make him remember.

Hunter was sitting on his bed and glanced up when Cole stomped in, "What's up?" "You don't remember." Hunter's eyebrows scrunched together, "What?" "You know somethings wrong and you just ignore it!" Hunter put his phone down, "Do you want to remember? Did you want to forget?" Hunter raised his hands like Cole was a wild animal, "What are you talking about bro?" Everything he just said made Cole angry, everything. "Nevermind, it doesn't matter. I'm tired of being the only one, I'm tired of being alone." Hunter threw his hands up as Cole reached for him, he was unable to reach his head but he didn't need to. Cole wrapped his hand around Hunter's wrist and the dark glow in from his eyes illuminated fear on his brother's face. He found his core and lit it, the soft glow already growing when, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!"

The small voice shrieked from the phone on the bed, Cole glanced down and saw that Hunter had been on a video call. Cole had messed up, he backed up quickly then met Hunter's confused eyes, "Park" was all he said before he ran. He heard someone on the phone say "I'm calling the police!" and he dashed out the door, he ran as fast as he could to the camp. When he arrived he was shaking, Jenna grabbed his arms to get him to stop and they sat him down on the blankets and he began to explain. The look the camp shared was clear, Cole was no longer allowed to leave camp, the police would be after him, and he was the only one who could wake people up. This might end up being a problem.

Heyo! Hows it going? I'm putting this fic ao3 so look out for that, hope you enjoyed. Have a great day/night!


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