Old Friends

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Cole had gotten to Hunter on time, and they got on a bus and headed home now they stood in front of the house they grew up in. I can find those journals now... and find out what is happening to me. Cole thought, they walked inside. The next few hours blurred together. They said hello to their parents, put their bags down and talked for a while until Cole found a way to escape. Don't get him wrong he loved his parents to death he just didn't want to talk at the moment.

So he took a walk, but life must hate him because he heard a squeal and he turned to see Jenna, his childhood friend crush and his ex-girlfriend, running to hug him. "Cole oh my gosh! Why didn't you text saying you were coming!" Cole forgot to do that "I wanted to surprise you guys!" Cole said at the last second "We have to get Dalton!" She said enthusiastically. Cole almost sighed, he missed them, but he wanted to be left alone.

"Sure Jenna." Cole said with a fake smile, right before a realization hit, Jenna and Dalton did the "role play" with me and Hunter! Maybe I can remind them or get some information from them. Cole felt content with his plan and he walked with Jenna to Dalton's house. Jenna and Dalton were still in high school. They didn't fall behind Cole was just a year ahead. "Sooo... How's High school?" Cole asked with a smile, Jenna whirled around with an open mouth. She didn't like that Cole was a year ahead. "Humph! You know exactly how it is! You jerk!!" She stalked off grumping, Cole had to run to catch up. "I'm sorry it was a real question!"

Should have asked how was school, now how was HIGH school. Jenna sighed and slowed down "Fine. School is good, I guess... How about you?" Cole was surprised at the question "Oh well it's going fine." He didn't want to say that he had no friends, so he studied more and with that he was ahead of all his classes. "That's good... Oh look we're here!"

Dalton had moved down the street from when Cole was a kid. He used to live next door but there was a good deal on a bigger house down the street, at least they could still walk there. Jenna knocked on the door and Dalton's mom opened the door. "Oh, hello Jenna dear, and is that Cole! I'll get Dalton." Jenna smiled and Cole waved. Dalton came to the door seconds later and hugged Cole super hard. "Cole! Why didn't you tell me you were coming to town!" Cole Laughed, it was really good to see his old friend.

"He wanted to surprise us." Jenna piped up and Dalton smiled "I'm sure he did." He said, "Hey let's go to the park!" Cole liked that idea, so he agreed and so did Jenna. When they got there, it was just like Cole remembered. Big and green and lots of trees with some picnic tables. They sat down at one of the tables and he asked the classic question.

"You two got a boyfriend yet?" Jenna laughed and Dalton blushed. Dalton had come out as gay when they were 16, which had explained a lot. Like how he would get weird 'crushes' on older women. Jenna was the same as always and would act super girly and cute around other people but when it was just Dalton and Cole it was fear her or die. "Nope!" Jenna giggled. Dalton smiled but looked sad. "What's up with you Dalton?"

Cole asked, suddenly worried. "Hm? Oh nothing... it's just whenever I want to date someone... I can't, like I don't want to even though I do. Like an important piece of my life is missing and I want to make sure nothing's you know important in those memories, like a boyfriend or something." Cole froze "W-what! You feel like that too!" Jenna watched in amazement, and Dalton's head snapped up. "Wait you feel like that?!"

Cole nodded and told them what had happened with Mira and then the memories and then the visions and dreams, then the weird thing in his core with the lump of coal. By the end both Jenna and Dalton were pale, and Jenna was clutching her own core. All of a sudden Cole got another vision. Of course, with my luck I'll be dead in the next hour. In the vision Cole was standing next to a girl his age but for the first time a voice filled his head. His own voice. It said Violet... Vision Cole held out his hand and said something. It was like watching a movie without sound. The girl, Violet? rolled her eyes and said something, then she took his hand. Her eyes widened and she made a portal.

The vision ended and Cole looked at his friends with wide eyes. Dalton looked scared and Jenna looked like she was about to pass out "Y-your e-eyes...." Dalton stammered "T-they were glowing!" Cole shook his head "No that's not how they work, you shouldn't be able to see anything." Cole didn't know how he knew this, but he did "Maybe it works differently on earth?" He reasoned with himself "O-on Earth! What does that mean!" Jenna demanded, Cole looked up and said simply "I mean not in the outskirts."

He then looked at Dalton and got an idea. "Hey Dalton? Can I see your hand?" Dalton looked even worse than before "W-why?" He asked, Cole thought for a second and "Why?" he asked "I want to test something... I think." Dalton nodded and said nothing more and put his hand on the table. Cole took it and searched for Dalton's core. He found it and it looked like a piece of dead coal, Cole took some fire from his own core and put in the dead one in Dalton.

For a second nothing happened, but then it caught. Cole leaned back and smiled as the fire spread and it glowed beautifully. Cole let go of Dalton's hand and looked at Dalton with a triumphant smile. Dalton looked dazed and blinked a bit, he opened his mouth as if to ask a question, then closed it and closed his eyes. His eyes were closed for a minute now and Jenna was worried, Cole however knew that everything was fine. He had fixed him. His friend was just seeing that.

"What did you d-" Jenna was cut off by a large snake appearing on the table. Jenna screamed and backed away, then she looked at Dalton and Cole with shock. "Why aren't you two scared?" Dalton was amazed and staring at the snake which was staring at Dalton and smiled. "I... I made it." Cole smiled at Dalton's response and Jenna sat down and reached her hand out to pet the snake. The snake disappeared before she could.

Cole held out his hand to Jenna and she took it. Cole did the same as he did to Dalton and Jenna took a deep breath and closed her eyes before smiling "This is what was wrong..." She murmured then her head snapped up and she said "We need to call Joe"

Ahhhhhhh I have lost some chapter so now I have to rewrite it! Welp lets go... have a great day from me and my cat!

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