Break up, or break out

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Sorry this took so long, school it a bitch

 It wasn't like before, Cole felt like he could think again, before it felt like his mind was filled with fog and mist. Stuck reliving memories so he didn't forget them, but now his mind felt clear, Amber still remained at his side to check in on him. He wanted to send her to look after the others but she stubbornly ignored his wishes, she was truly a great friend. So Amber could check on the others Cole followed her to the cabins, Blake was obviously not doing particularly well. In fact in the past week since Dalton and Moss was taken he had yet to leave the training area, save for the times when Angel dragged him out kicking and screaming.

Lola paced camp often, she polished weapons, she opened ports to look in town. She seemed numb when Cole spoke to her, it was like the others had taken on his curse. Reliving their own mistakes, never ending. Finally he had enough, the others gathered around when he called out, "We need to make a rescue party." Those words were familiar to his ears, Jenna hadn't stopped telling him this since they had lost their friends the week before. The voices around camp echoed in agreement, Blake looked up with anger on his face. "We'll show those bastards what we're made of." Cheers erupted from the crowd, until a shout of protest came from the entrance of the camp.

Looking up, a Sambrian shaper who was patrolling the forest walked in holding the arm of someone new. They held a sword to the newcomers neck, the guard looked up, "This guy says he's from the outskirts!" The crowd murmurs in shock, Cole runs over with Amber close at his side. Another guard stepped close, ready to attack should the newcomer move towards Cole. He lifted his face and said, "Jace?" Cole asked, unsure if he was hallucinating again. Jace's eyes widened, "Cole?! You remember me?" The surprise was evident in his voice, Cole smiled and looked to the guards, "Stand down, Jace is a good friend of mine."


People from the crowd inched forward to get a closer look, "Jenna, Blake, set up a rescue party of our strongest. Hunter pick some creonian shapers, you'll be our get away so get some rest. We go at midnight when their guard is down." Blake and Jenna nodded before running off to the middle of camp, Hunter smiled and walked to a table where shapers were practicing wayports. Cole motioned for Jace to follow, a girl Jace didn't know stuck close behind. They reached a cabin close to the middle of camp. "What is this place?" Cole hummed, "It's a camp for us to live in and practice our shaping away from human eyes." Jace stopped, "Aren't you human?" the girl huffed, "Not anymore. Not to them." Jace could only guess who 'them' was but didn't bring it up, instead deciding on a different question. "So why are you making a rescue party?" Cole's mouth twisted into a thin line and the girl practically growled.

"The humans made an act of war, we are getting our own back." Jace glanced warily at the girl before asking, "When did you get your memories back?" Cole hummed again, his eyes glowing a soft orange, "I got it all back about a month after Mira came to visit." the girl glared at him, "Stop that! Do you want to get worse?" Jace glanced at her, "Uh, I don't think we've met before... I'm Cole's friend Jace." Amber looked him up and down, " I'm Amber." She shook his hand before returning to glare at Cole again, he apologized but she didn't seem to care. Jace decided to ignore her, "So you're going with that party aren't you?" He asked Cole, "Yes!" "Absolutely not."

Cole grimaced, "Amber I need to go with them." Amber's glare harshened, "Cole you just aren't strong enough." Jace frowned, "He's plenty strong! Who the hell are you to tell him he can't go!" Cole's eyes began to glow again, he put his hands on his hips and stood as tall as he could, "Yeah! I'm plenty strong!" Amber raised an eyebrow before raising a hand, "5" Jace frowned, what was she counting, a finger down "4" another finger "3" the glow in Cole's eyes flickered "2" He began to sway his eyes glazing over, "1" Cole collapsed and Amber caught him before he hit the floor. Jace began to panic but before he could say anything Hunter walked in, worry flashed in his eyes before turning to Amber. "Can you give anything to the party before we go? We leave in a few minutes."

The story that never ends... (A Five Kingdoms fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now