A Choice

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 The camp was quiet, since Hunter had joined, most of his memories had returned and three new campers Zack, Moss, and Lola had joined camp. Zack was a tall boy with dark hair and skin from Zeropolis and Blake had taken to training him as well as he could. Moss had dyed dark green hair and pale skin and was trained in Sambria. They had become extremely talented in shaping small objects in seconds, mainly small throwing knives thrown with impeccable aim. Lola had short blond curls and dark eyes paired with tan skin, and was talented in Creon shaping. She couldn't make large wayports but small ones for a short amount of time. Everyone was ecstatic that there were new campers, and even more so that Cole seemed to be back to normal, however they started to... notice some things.

They began to notice how close together the tents were, and Zack stated over and over how his tent was far too close to the fire for comfort. Though when they asked where they should move it Zack could never find a clear spot. Moss was getting more and more annoyed when people leaving their tents in the morning would get in the way of their throwing knives. More than once Blake left his tent and nearly got impaled by Moss's early morning practice. Lola had also opened wayports into spots she shouldn't go, like other people's tents. She had no other spots to open them too, outside camp anyone could see it, but in camp people ran into them. She nearly cut off Hunter's hand that way.

Of course Cole couldn't leave, unless it was night and Dalton or Hunter was with him to use illusions to cover him. Even then he was only let out to take a shower or go to the bathroom, most of them only left the camp for similar reasons. After a month of all of this the camp started getting restless, fights started and most walked around annoyed. That was when Cole decided enough was enough and called a camp meeting. "The camp is far too small." Murmurs of agreement traveled around the campers, "So, we need to move." Jenna piped up "Where?" Cole shook his head, "I'm not sure, we can send out groups to look for a new place." Moss frowned "Yeah then what?"

"Then we secure it, then we move tents one at a time, then we move there. I think that the new camp should be self sufficient, we need to be able to stay there for long periods of time. There have been more sightings of those people working with the cops, they are too close for my liking." Lola hummed before speaking "What groups?" Cole nodded "Good question, I think search groups should be one person tasked with finding a safe spot and the other should be tasked with keeping them both safe. So Lola and Moss, or Zack and Angel, other than that I want either Hunter or Dalton in camp at all times to keep up the illusions and keep people out for as long as possible. Jenna I know you have been training in surveillance so I want you to keep an eye on those people with the police." They all nodded along to his words and once he finished speaking they began to talk about teams and when they should leave.

It didn't take long for Cole's head to begin to ache, Amber took notice and excused the both of them. She helped him to his tent and got him settled, his gaze seemed far away and he couldn't seem to sleep. Amber managed to get him to eat an herb and he fell asleep not long after, exiting the tent she rejoined the group as they finished their dinner. They had decided to send Zack and Angel to protect him the next morning for the first search, Amber began to pack their lunch for the following day when Hunter leaned over to her. "How is he?" The brunette girl raised her head from the package in her lap and shook her head, "He's worse than since he woke up Lola, he no longer sleeps without medicine and there is nothing I can do to help except treat the symptoms." She whispered.

Hunter hung his head low, and the healer spoke up again "They are going to figure it out sooner or later, the side effects are too much for him." Hunter shook his head, "I know but... perhaps a bit longer..." Amber sighed, "Alright Hunter but soon we need to tell them." She finished the boxes and walked to her sister and handed them to her and Zack before retiring to her tent.

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