A New (old) Friend

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Blake woke up to the sound of talking, not feeling brave enough to poke his head out to see who was talking he just pressed his ear to the side of the tent and listened.

"It's not my fault, Jen!"

Is that Dalton? Is he in trouble?

"Dalton you had one job!"

Oh.. yeah oops sorry Dalton...

"I was sleepy and I knew he was one of us, I was off my guard, and I'm not used to the glowing eyes thing yet."

So are his powers new?

"Dude Cole is gonna kill you!"

Cole? Don't I know someone named Cole? Is he in charge? Will he hurt Dalton for bringing me here? Will he hurt me?

"No he won't, we just have someone to remind and Cole will be fine with that."

Remind? What the hell does that mean? Are they talking about me?

Blakes eye's widen when he heard footsteps on the grass.

"Jenna, calm down, Dalton is right, and Dalton try not to let your guard down if you recognise someone."

"Sorry Cole."

I recognize that voice... Damn it's on the tip of my tongue

"Now Jenna would you be so kind as to get our guest?" Blake froze and Dalton laughed, it sounded cold to Blake. "Wow Cole you sound so in charge!" and a black shadow appears at the door of the tent.

The tent opened and there stood.... Jenna Hunt from his class, the pretty brunette put her hand on her hip and frowned. "He's awake." She nodded to the other people still watching him, "Well, get up! Let's go." Blake stood and clambered out of the tent. He turned to look at Dalton and next to him was... Cole Randolph? When did he get back? Is he in charge?

Cole waved and smiled, "Hi Blake! Let's have a little chat, ok?" Blake froze and Jenna pushed him to keep going, he had no choice in this. "Yeah ok, what do you want to talk about Cole? You're welcome home party?" Cole chuckled a bit, "No I didn't have one of those." Dalton and Jenna looked away, I guess they forgot, or Cole didn't tell them he was coming back. "They didn't know, I wanted to surprise them." Can he read my mind? Is that his super power?

Cole sat down on a blanket next to a burned out campfire, I sat across from him on the purple-ish gray blanket. "Well, what do you think of the camp?" Blake blinked and looked around, the sun was well in the sky by now. "It's-uh- it's cool." Cole nodded and looked at the tents, "You know there's too much free room here, we could really use another tent." Blake could only stare, Me join the camp? Is that what he's saying? "Usually I would give you a choice but you already know too much." Blake could feel the blood draining from his face, "I hope you can understand Blake. I have to protect the camp."

Blake tried to back away and run but Jenna grabbed his arm and he could hear the hissing snake on Dalton's arm. Cole stood up, "I feel bad about this Blake, I really do. I hope you'll forgive me." He reached his hands up to his head and Blakes heart sped up, and no not because Cole had a bit of a glow up since he last saw him. But because he didn't know what Cole was going to do to him, his eyes were glowing the same purple-ish gray color as his tent.

His fingers touched Blake's temples and a warm feeling grew in the wrong part of his core, the one he ignored because it was the wrong feeling and now it felt right. Memories flashed through his mind, being kidnapped on Halloween, being sold to the king, escaping, working for someone new, escaping them, working with Cole and Hunter, beating the giant dragon Roxie, befriending Dalton, helping the revolution, going home.

Memories that he had promised never forget resurfacing in his mind, trauma that should keep any kid from forgetting it was just now returning. Blake fell over, Jenna watched smiling from the side of the blanket and Dalton kneeled over to help him sit up. Blake mentally reminded himself to thank Dalton for being nice later, Blake looked to Cole and expected the cold leader guy from before but instead he saw a kind happy face on a midnight teenager.

Blake blinked a few times before letting Dalton help him stand up, Cole looked a bit sheepish, "I'm sorry about making you remember all of that, but like I said earlier you had already known too much." Blake nodded, most of the fuzziness had left his head and he was thinking clearly. Jenna piped up, "Anyway Dalton it's my job to find campers remember?" Dalton shrugged and went to his tent. Cole offered to give Blake a space for his own tent explaining that on earth shaping works differently and it shows physically so they have to practice in secret.

Blake nodded and returned to his house, his mother was worried but he explained that he had found a few of his friends camping and joined them. He also stated that he had left his phone at home and was now going to bring his own tent to join the fun. When returned to the camp they helped him set up his tent, it was already late in the afternoon so they lit a fire and made dinner. Cole was surprisingly good at cooking. They began to speak of possible new campers and Blake thought of some good ones, so he spoke up.

"I think I know someone."

Hi everyone I hope that you are liking the fic, any questions or comments are more than welcome! Have a great day or night! <3

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