Train Tracks (Sherlock)

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Prompt: Underground by Cody Fry

Sherlock is stuck on a train track, unable to move. He suddenly hears a train rapidly approaching. The train gets closer as Sherlock prepares to face his death. All of a sudden he hears something.

"Sherlock! Sherlock!" He looks over and sees Moriarty running towards him. He's sprinting and yelling not realizing that Sherlock is stuck. Sherlock yells at Moriarty to turn around and leave him, but Moriarty doesn't listen. When the train is about the hit Sherlock, Moriarty jumps and drags Sherlock off the tracks, holding him tightly.

They tumble down the pit on the side of the tracks, Moriarty holding Sherlock tightly, panting from exhaustion.

After they calm down, Moriarty says, "Love, I see you now..."

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