I'm the villain (HP)

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Prompt: He's not so bad after all

Harry sees Aurors closing in on Voldemort, securing their victory. But he doesn't feel victorious. Harry looks at him, he looks like Tom now that he's mortal, the enemy Harry had been training and fighting against all his life. Harry realizes with a sinking feeling that maybe, just maybe, Tom's not the villain of this story.

Harry starts to run, yelling at the Aurors to stop but his yells are not heard over the loud celebration. Tom looks at Harry as he resigns to his fate. Kingsley's wand raised, Tom looks to the sky, he watches as Shacklebot begins to deliver the final blow to end the war.

That's when Harry collides with Tom, sending them both tumbling out of the way as a sickly green light barely misses them. The battle freezes. Harry and Tom look at each other, speechless.

Until Harry whispers, "I think I see it now."

Everyone holds their breath listening to what is being spoken. "I'm the villain," he says. "Not anymore," Tom replies.

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