Library Card (DC)

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Charisse and I were sitting in the library on a late Thursday night, studying for an upcoming Biology exam. "Dam, these tests are a pain to study for!" Charisse whined, "let's take a break, already."

"Just because you're happy barely passing the test doesn't mean that everyone is," I replied, having heard the same thing from her for the past 10 minutes, "but fine, what do you want to talk about then?"

"What's your ideal type of guy?"

"Well, that's random. I haven't really thought about it, but I guess someone smart, and judging by my choice in book boyfriends, a bit self-sacrificial." I responded, "you know, one of my fictional crushes as a tween was Jason Todd, Red Hood."

"Really? I mean, isn't he a bit... intense for you?" Charisse asked.

"Are you kidding? Bookworm, fit, and you know what I like..." I answered, smirking.

"I know, I know, that mob boyfriend-yandere type," She paused, "You know when I first met you, I thought you were too innocent for this world. Good grades, hard-working, but man, I was so wrong. Your innocence was lost a long time ago, dude." We laughed for a second, before yawning simultaneously.

"I'm exhausted, I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me up in a bit," Charisse said, before curling up on a beanbag in the corner of the room. I looked around for a clock, wondering what time it was. Then, outside, I saw a light piercing the sky. Walking towards the window, I realized it was the Bat-signal!

'Woah, it looks so realisti-' My thoughts were cut off as a shadow swang across the window. 'No way, it can't be, right?' Sure enough, there he was, the Dark Knight. "What kind of isekai type of sh*t is this?" I murmured under my breath. I walked to Charisse, "Psst...wake up."

"Wtf do you want?" She answered, groggy from sleep.

"I'm pretty sure we're in Gotham right now, dude," I replied.

"Huh...would you look at that." She said, "Now, you can have your precious Jason Todd!"

"Very funny... what do we do now?" I asked.

"Well, since we're in GOTHAM now, no tests! Hell yeah!" She cheered, "But, we should just stay here. I am NOT about to venture into the ring of hell that is Gotham."

—-- Time Skip —--

I was sitting around, reading whatever we could find to pass the time when Charisse suddenly whispered to me, "Isn't that Jason Todd?"

I turned around and sure enough, there he was in all his glory, 'Dam it, he even has his sleeves rolled up,'

"C'mon, shoot your shot! This is the ONLY time this will ever happen to you," Charisse muttered to me.

'Okay, you can do this,' I thought walking up to him. "Hey," He turned around to look at me in confusion, 'Why is he even hotter up close!' "my friend kind of dared me to give you a pick-up line, so..." He smirked at me, amused.

"Really? Ok then, what have you got?"

"Um, I may not have a library card, butmayIcheckyouout?" I speedily said, looking at the floor, my face burning.

"Cute." My head snapped up to look at him, "I'm pretty sure you were doing that before you asked, but cute. What's your name?"

"Y/N, Y/N L/N," I said, my confidence starting to build up.

"Jason," He replied, "But you can call me yours,"

"Oh my god, that was so corny," I retorted, giggling.

"You started it, plus, I can't be beaten in pick-up lines,"

He combed his fingers through his hair, 'It should be illegal to be that hot,' I thought,

"I never do this, but do you want to get a coffee? I know a pretty good place down the street," He asked,

"I would love to,"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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