25. A Whole New Game.

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Clarke couldn't hear anything other than the deafening thumping of her heart. She froze in shock as she watched the police officer cuff Bellamy and drag him towards the car. Beside her, Octavia shouted her brothers innocence and demanded they let Bellamy go instantly, but it was no good. Octavia was ignored. Suddenly, her eyes met Bellamy's and this snapped Clarke back to reality. She darted towards him, just before he was lowered into the car. 

"Wait! Wait you can't take him. He didn't do anything!" Clarke exclaimed. 

"I have evidence that says otherwise." The police officer said gruffly. 

"It was self defence! Cage killed my mother!" Clarke cried. 

"You got any evidence?" The officer said, raising a brow. 

"Yes, me! I was a witness!" Bellamy yelled. 

"Show me some hard proof and then we'll talk." The officer said, shoving Bellamy again. 

"Can I at least say goodbye?" Clarke asked, stepping forward. 

The officer eyed her for a moment before sighing and nodding his head. "You got two minutes." 

Bellamy stopped stuggling and looked down at Clarke. She stepped up to him and put her hands on his face, gently caressing his cheeks with her thumbs. 

"I will fix this. I promise." Clarke said, tears streaming down her face. 

"Don't do anything to put yourself in danger, Clarke." Bellamy shook his head. 

"I'm not gonna sit here and let him get away with this!" Clarke exclaimed. 

"Clarke, you said it yourself, he's got his hands in too many pockets. You can't beat him." Bellamy said. 

"He's taken everything from me, Bellamy. I won't let him take you too." Clarke said, a determined look in her eye. 

Bellamy closed his eyes and leant into her touch. He leant his forehead on hers. He wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around her and tell her that everything would be okay. But he didn't know. Right now, nothing was okay. Cage had won again. 

"Be careful." Bellamy whispered. 

Clarke looked into his eyes before she slammed her lips to his. The kiss shocked Bellamy to say the least. Clarke had never kissed him in public. But he kissed her back, with everything he had. But it wasn't the kiss that had his heart slamming against his ribcage. It was the four words Clarke whispered against his lips. 

"I love you, Bellamy." 

Bellamy was so taken back by her confession that he didn't have time to even think of responding before he was bundled into the back of the police car. 


Clarke sat on Bellamy's bed, her legs folded underneath her and the purple stuffed bear he'd won earlier that day clenched tightly in her hands. She hadn't stopped crying since they'd taken him away the night before. She wasn't even sure if she had anymore tears left, but just when she thought she'd run out, more came along. She felt like her whole world had come crashing down around her. She was devistated, but she was also angry. She was angry that Cage had once again taken everything from her. Just when she thought she'd found a reason to be happy, it was taken away from her. 

Wiping at her eyes, Clarke pushed herself off of the bed and made her way downstairs. As she reached the kitchen, she found Octavia sitting at the table. Her eyes were red and puffy, but her cheeks were dry. Clarke wondered how long she'd been sat there. She also wondered where Lincoln had gone. 

"Octavia?" Clarke said softly as she sat down beside her friend. "I'm so sorry." 

"Why are you sorry, it's not your fault." Octavia attempted a smile. 

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