16. My senses tell me to stop.

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Weeks passed and Clarke was still on edge. She hardly left the house and if she did, she didn't go alone. She had Octavia drive her to work when she actually went. Her phone was almost always switched off, unless she was home alone, then the Blake's insisted she kept it on. Clarke felt like she was watching her life pass before her eyes. Octavia had tried to get her to go out on multiple occasions, but failed each time. Even Bellamy had tried to get her out the house, of course it hadn't worked but Clarke appreciated the effort.

Bellamy was starting to grow concerned for Clarke's safety. Not only was her crazy ex still out there, but Bellamy worried what Clarke might do herself. If she could hand herself over so easily once, she could do it again.

But just when Clarke thought she'd finally reached her breaking point, she received a phone call.

"Hello?" Clarke answered quietly.

"Clarke? Is that you? Are you okay?"

"Mom, calm down, I'm fine." Clarke sighed.

"Clarke, I'm so sorry. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but please just tell me that you're safe." Abby said frantically.

"Yes I'm safe." Clarke replied.

"Listen, I don't have much time but whatever you do, stay where you are. Make sure you're always with someone. Don't leave the house alone. He's watching you. He's got people marking your every move Clarke."

"I know Mom, don't worry I hardly go out anyway. Wait, what do you mean you don't have much time?" Clarke asked quickly.

"Don't worry. Just know that I love you Clarke and I truly am sorry for everything."

"No wait, Mom! What's going on?" Clarke began to panic. She may not have been on the best terms with her mother, but she didn't want anything to happen to her.

"Stay safe."

"Mom! Mom are you there?! Mom!" Clarke yelled down the phone. But it was too late. The line had gone dead.

Clarke tried to redial the number, calling her mother back. She let out a groan as the phone went straight to voicemail. Suddenly her bedroom door burst open.

"You okay? I heard yelling!" Bellamy panted as he looked around the room.

"I don't know. My Mom called and started saying all this stuff about not having time and me staying safe. I can't get hold of her now." Clarke exclaimed as she ran her hands through her hair.

"You spoke to your Mom?" Bellamy raised a brow.

"No Bellamy, my mom called but I spoke to Santa!" Clarke said sarcastically.

"Sorry, I just didn't realise you guys were speaking again." Bellamy shook his head. If Clarke's mom had called, maybe the stranger he gave Clarke's number to wasn't Cage after all.

"We're not. Weren't. I don't know! Somethings not right." Clarke snapped.

She dropped down onto her bed and let her head drop into her hands. She had so many unanswered questions. She finally looked up to see Bellamy still stood in her doorway.

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