17. Numb.

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"Enjoy the rest of your day." Clarke said with a forced smile as she served another customer.

For the last week, she'd been running on autopilot. She'd hardly slept, she'd hardly ate. Clarke couldn't explain it, but she just felt like the world was passing her by while she stayed still and watched.

Octavia was spending more time with Lincoln, meaning Clarke and Bellamy were left alone more. Not that it made a difference. Clarke did everything she could to avoid Bellamy. Every time she came face to face with the oldest Blake, her heart would hammer in her chest and her palms would sweat.

If Bellamy had noticed a change in Clarke's behaviour, he didn't show it. He didn't try and start any kind of conversation with her, and he didn't question her. The only time the pair spoke, was if it involved Octavia or something house related.

Clarke felt guilty for the way she was treating Bellamy. He'd gone through so much effort to make sure Clarke was safe. He'd even began to treat her like a friend and not just someone he had to live with. Yet Clarke avoided him, even though she was the one to make the first move in the garage.

Thinking of that moment sent Clarke's heart racing again. She couldn't help but think what would have happened if Octavia hadn't come home when she did. Would they have kissed? Would either of them have stopped it? From Clarke's perspective, it looked like Bellamy actually wanted to kiss her. In one way, Clarke was pleased that Octavia interrupted them. It would have just complicated things even more.

But then again, she was awfully curious about how it would feel to kiss Bellamy again, this time sober.

Clarke shook the thoughts of Bellamy from her mind and focused on work. She only had thirty minutes left until her shift ended and she could go home. Home to where Bellamy would probably be. She knew he only worked half a day on Fridays.

Clarke decided to distract herself and began cleaning down tables and collecting used mugs and plates. There were only three other people in the cafe, one of them being Monty's mother, Hannah. The bell above the door rang, signalling the arrival of another customer. Clarke still had her back to the door as she finished cleaning down a table.

"I'll be right with you." Clarke called over her shoulder.

"Take your time." A familiar deep voice replied.

Clarke spun around quickly to find Bellamy stood behind her. Once again, her heart rate increased and her palms became sweaty.

"Bellamy, what are you doing here?" Clarke asked curiously.

"Fancied a cake." Bellamy shrugged.

"Oh. I'll just put these away." Clarke said slowly, lifting up the dirty plates in her hand.

"I'll wait here." Bellamy smirked.

Clarke nodded her head and rushed into the back room to dispose of the dishes. Taking a few deep breaths to steady her heart, Clarke straightened out her apron and entered the cafe again.

"So what can I get you?" Clarke asked, attempting a friendly smile.

"How about some answers?" Bellamy said, his face suddenly serious.

Clarke's shoulders dropped and her smile vanished. She let out a sigh. "Not now Bellamy. Here's not really the best place for this."

"Then where is? Because you avoid me like the plague at home. You won't even stay in the same room as me for more than ten seconds." Bellamy said, leaning his hands on the counter between them.

"Bellamy. Please." Clarke said softly.

"Please what? Why are you avoiding me Clarke?" Bellamy asked.

"I'm not I just..." Clarke began.

"Just what? What have I done this time?" Bellamy snapped.

"Nothing! It's not you." Clarke said quickly.

"Then what? Why are you avoiding me?" Bellamy asked again, his voice rising slightly.

"Because I'm scared!" Clarke burst out.

"Scared of what? Of me?" Bellamy took a step back.

"No. I don't know." Clarke sighed.

Before Bellamy could say anything else, Hannah appeared from the kitchen.

"Is everything alright out here?" Hannah asked, her face full of concern.

"Everything's fine Hannah. This is Bellamy." Clarke said shyly, gesturing to Bellamy.

"Hi." Bellamy nodded his head in greeting.

"Hello." Hannah smiled. "Listen, Clarke, why don't you take off, I'll finish up here."

"Are you sure?" Clarke asked.

"Of course, we close soon anyway and there's not much left to do. Go on, I'll be fine." Hannah smiled softly.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow morning." Clarke smiled. She quickly took off her apron and collected her belongings from the back room.

However when she returned she was surprised to see Bellamy still standing in front of the counter, waiting for her.

"You can give me a ride home. I walked here." Bellamy said.

Clarke nodded her head and the two of them left the cafe. As they walked down the street towards Clarke's car, Clarke's phone began ringing.

"Hello." Clarke answered.

"It's so good to hear your voice again sweetheart."

"What do you want?" Clarke asked bitterly.

Bellamy stopped and looked at Clarke with concern, knowing exactly who was on the other end of the call.

"Let's just say, I have someone here who I think you might want to talk to."

"And who might that be?" Clarke sighed.


"Mom?" Clarke's heart leapt to her throat.

"Clarke, don't listen to him! Whatever he tells you, you stay away!" Abby said frantically.

"Mom what's going on?!" Clarke asked desperately.

"Meet me at the old warehouse on Baker Street in one hour, or Mommy reunites with dear old Dad."

Clarke felt like the air had been stolen from her lungs. The phone went dead and Clarke looked up at Bellamy.

"What? What did he say?" Bellamy asked.

"He wants me to meet him in an hour." Clarke swallowed hard.

"No. Not a chance." Bellamy said defiantly.

"I have to! If I don't he's going to kill my mom!" Clarke exclaimed.

"And if you do, he'll probably kill you." Bellamy argued.

"Bellamy, she's the only family I have left!" Clarke said as they reached the car.

"Fine, but I'm coming with you." Bellamy declared.

"What? No. Who knows what he'll do to you if you come." Clarke shook her head.

"I don't care. You're out of your mind if you think I'm letting you do this alone." Bellamy said seriously. He looked her straight in the eye, folding his arms across his chest.

"Bellamy..." Clarke sighed.

"No, now get in the car. Where are you meeting him?" Bellamy said sternly.

"Baker Street, the old warehouse." Clarke said.

Bellamy nodded his head and jumped in the drivers seat of Clarke's car. Clarke looked at Bellamy in shock.

"What are you doing?" Clarke asked.

"You're not driving in your state, you'll kill us both, get in the car." Bellamy declared.

Clarke rolled her eyes and jumped in the passenger seat. The journey was silent as Clarke welcomed the numbness spreading through her, anxious about the fate of her mother.

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