13. What have you done?

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"Bellamy Blake! What the hell did you do?!" Octavia bellowed as she pounded her fist on Bellamy's door.

Bellamy put down the unopened letter and opened his bedroom door.

"What O?" Bellamy sighed.

"You wanna explain this?!" Octavia scolded.

Bellamy took the folded paper from Octavia and read the familiar handwriting.


If you're reading this I'm already gone. I hope you understand that this is nothing to do with you. You were the best housemate and friend I could have asked for, please don't ever forget that. But I have to leave. The longer I stay the more you're in danger. I didn't tell you this because I didn't want you to get caught up in my drama, but I'm in trouble. There's nothing you can do to help, before you try anything. I just have to accept my fate now.

If I don't see you again, just know that I love you and I will miss you every day. But me staying with you and Bellamy puts you both in danger. If my ex was to find you, I don't know what he'd do and I can't take the risk of him hurting you. Bellamy was right to send me away, don't be too hard on him, he's just looking out for you.

The painting is yours if you want it, I know it's not great so throw it out if you want to, I don't mind. It's just my way of saying thank you for everything you've done for me.

May we meet again.

Clarke X

Bellamy handed the note back to a very red faced Octavia.

"What do you want me to say?" Bellamy shrugged.

"Why would you send her away if she's in trouble Bell?!" Octavia exclaimed.

"Because like she said, her being here puts you in danger." Bellamy responded calmly.

"I don't need your protection Bellamy. Clarke was my best friend and you sent her away when she needs us!" Octavia argued.

"I'm sorry O, but your safety is more important to me than some stranger." Bellamy said.

"Will you stop referring to her as some stranger! She tried so hard and you constantly gave her a hard time! All she wanted was to be your friend and you gave her the cold shoulder! I know you think you're being the protective brother but you're not! You're just pushing away everyone that ever cared about you!" Octavia yelled. Before Bellamy could respond, she stormed down the stairs and out the house.

Bellamy stood frozen on the spot. Clarke didn't care about him. She tolerated him as a landlord because she had nowhere else to go. Right? Finally he'd gotten what he'd always wanted, Clarke gone.

Bellamy turned back into his room and picked up the letter addressed to him. He already knew who it was from. Sitting down on his bed, Bellamy opened the letter. Inside the envelope was a pile of cash. He set it aside and unfolded the paper.


With this letter is this months rent. I owe you at least that. I also owe you an apology.

I understand why you kicked me out. Don't feel bad, you did what you had to do to protect your sister and I respect you for that. I'm guessing Octavia didn't take the news too well and I only hope she's not giving you a hard time over it. The last thing I wanted was to come between the two of you.

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