5. I hate everything about you.

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As the months progressed, Clarke and Bellamy's relationship did not. Bellamy found Clarke annoying, frustrating, a little desperate and impossible to deal with. Living with two women wasn't easy as it was, but when he couldn't stand the sight of one of them, Bellamy found himself living a real nightmare.

Clarke found it no easier. Bellamy was rude, ignorant and selfish. He made no attempt to get along with Clarke, despite her desperate efforts to get on his good side. Eventually she gave up trying. She wasn't going to continue trying when he dismissed her like a small child. He was patronising and condescending when he spoke to her, referring to her as 'Princess' when he discovered her mother was one of the countries top surgeons.

Octavia found it almost impossible living with the two of them. She constantly found herself in the middle of what she could only describe as childish and pathetic disagreements. More often than not, she'd simply ignore them both and leave them to it. She didn't want to chose between either of them, so she tried not to get involved. The only good thing that came from Bellamy and Clarke's hatred of each other, was the fact that Bellamy was so occupied with fighting with Clarke, he didn't take the time to notice that Octavia had been seeing someone new.

Octavia had met Lincoln at a work party. He'd found her sitting alone at the bar while her friend went off to dance, and offered to buy her a drink. The two started talking and the rest is history. They spoke every day and met up at least three times a week. Since Bellamy seemed so hellbent on making Clarke's life miserable, Octavia had managed to keep her relationship from Bellamy. She'd told Clarke and made her promise not to utter a word to Bellamy, to which Clarke had simply responded,

"Why would I tell that jerk anything?!"

One morning at breakfast however, Octavia and Clarke had been discussing the possibility of Octavia setting Clarke up on a date so they could double date, neither one realising Bellamy had overheard the whole thing.

"Why do I need to double date with you guys? I really don't feel like dating anyone is what I need right now." Clarke chuckled.

"Because, it'll be fun! You don't have to see him again, just think about it! Lincoln said he's a great guy." Octavia smiled.

"Lincoln could tell you anything and you'd believe him, little miss 'I'm so in love.'" Clarke teased.

"Who's Lincoln?" A gruff voice said, making both girls jump.

Clarke and Octavia spun around so fast, Clarke almost spilt her coffee.

"Jesus, Bellamy! You almost gave us a heart attack!" Octavia gasped, clutching her chest.

"Who's Lincoln?" Bellamy repeated. Apparently he didn't care he'd almost scared the girls to death.

"He's a friend." Octavia said quickly. Too quickly.

"You're lying. Who is he? If he was just a friend you wouldn't be trying to set up a double date." Bellamy crossed his arms and lent against the door frame.

"I gotta go to work, I'll leave you to it." Clarke said quietly as she gulped the last of her coffee. She shot Octavia an apologetic look, earning a soft smile in return.

But Bellamy moved to the side and blocked her path.

"Seriously?" Clarke sighed.

"What do you know?" Bellamy glared down at her.

"I know I'm going to be late for work if you don't move. If you want me to carry on paying rent, I suggest you move so I don't lose my job." Clarke glared back. She wasn't afraid of Bellamy. At first he made her incredibly nervous and she would avoid anything that seemed to make him angry. But the longer she spent avoiding him and fighting with him, the more she realised that Bellamy Blake May be a complete asshole, but he wasn't the type of man to hit a woman. Clarke knew as much when she slowly began pushing him further and further to see how far he'd really go.

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