9. Stupid Mistake.

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Bellamy watched with wide eyes as Clarke crumpled to the floor and had what he could only describe as a severe panic attack. He stood still as a statue as he watched Lincoln attempt to calm Clarke down, only seeming to make her worse. He didn't even realise he had moved until he felt Clarke's shaking body against his own.

Bellamy wrapped his arms around her as tight as he could without hurting her. At first she tried to fight him off, rambling and attempting to push him away.

"Clarke! Clarke, you're okay! It's me!" Bellamy said softly.

Suddenly her attempts to fight him off ceased, until eventually she fell limp into his arms. Her eyes were still clamped shut as she tried to steady her breathing, but she was no longer hysterical. Bellamy simply held her. Gently shushing in her ear until she calmed down.

Clarke suddenly shot up straight, her eyes wide open. Bellamy slowly released her, taking a step back and giving her space.

She looked around the room, suddenly aware of all the concerned faces looking at her.

"I'm sorry. I need a moment." Clarke said softly before she raced out the door.

Clarke leant up against the cool brickwork of the building. Letting her head rest against the wall as she took a few deep breaths. Her eyes scanned her surroundings, looking for any sign of Cage or one of his spies. When she was satisfied she was alone, Clarke ran her hands through her hair again.

There was only half an hour until Octavia would arrive. Clarke still had to go home and change. Instead of going inside again and informing Bellamy and Lincoln of where she was going, Clarke jumped in her car and sped off home. It was then she realised she didn't have a phone. Hers was currently smashed to bits on the floor of the club.


Clarke was able to get changed and make herself party ready in just fifteen minutes. She knew Octavia would beat her there, but that was the least of her worries. Her abusive ex boyfriend had found her. To make matters worse, he now knew about Bellamy and Octavia. Clarke was now terrified for the safety of her housemates. She would have to move out for certain now. She couldn't risk anything happening to the only people who had taken her in when she needed a place to live.

Checking the time on the clock on the wall, Clarke realised she was well and truly late to the party. She was half tempted to just crawl into bed and ignore the world, but Clarke knew Bellamy would be especially pissed at her since this whole party was her idea.

So instead, she added the finishing touches to her make up and made her way back to the bar.

She reached the club just after 7.30pm. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door to find it already filled with people, some she recognised, some she didn't. The music was blaring away and people seemed to be enjoying themselves. Clarke was disappointed that she'd missed Octavia's entrance. She'd have loved to have seen the look on her best friends face as she was greeted by all her friends and family.

Clarke spotted Octavia across the room and made her way over, pushing through the sea of bodies between them. As she approached them, Octavia's eyes lit up and she pulled Clarke in for a tight hug.

"There you are! Where have you been?" Octavia yelled.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, I promise I'll make it up to you!" Clarke yelled back.

"Bellamy said this was all your idea! I can't believe you missed the most important part of a surprise party." Octavia chuckled.

"I know, I'm sorry. Let me get you a drink!" Clarke smiled back.

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