10. Its just business.

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Since when had the sun been so bright? Were the morning birds always so loud?

Bellamy couldn't remember the last time he had drank so much. He was pleased with the outcome of Octavia's party, but there were a few things niggling at his mind. As he laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling, Bellamy let his mind wonder through the events of last night.

There was the hot brunette not long after the party started. Bellamy didn't know who she was or how she knew Octavia, but she was attractive and had a good body.

Then there was the fact his sister seemed to enjoy the party. Octavia was full of smiles all night, dancing and partying with her friends. Bellamy was pleased to see Octavia letting loose and having fun.

There was the drinking games with his two best friends, Nate Miller and John Murphy. He'd proven once again that he could beat his friends in any drinking game.

There was also the incident with Clarke before the party. It had played on his mind all night. He wasn't sure why it had bothered him so much, he didn't usually care what happened in Clarke's life. But something about the fear in her eyes made Bellamy leap into action. Perhaps it was because it reminded him of the fear in his mothers eyes.

But the one thing playing on his mind the most, was the fact he had kissed Clarke. Well technically Clarke had kissed him, but he didn't stop her. He even kissed her back. Bellamy couldn't even say if he enjoyed it or not. Sure she was a good kisser, but he hated Clarke. He had no intention of starting any kind of relationship with her, physical or emotional.

To be honest, Bellamy didn't want any kind of relationship with any girl. He had too much emotional baggage to commit to someone the way they needed. He was quite content with his one night stands, no emotional attachment.

Bellamy decided that was what he needed to do. He needed a meaningless one night stand to shake off the sudden curiosity he had in Clarke. Grabbing his phone off the bed beside him, Bellamy got dressed and went downstairs. He only hoped Clarke wasn't there.

But since when had Bellamy's luck ever played out how he wanted. The first and only face he was greeted to, happened to be the very blonde he'd been hoping to avoid. Clarke looked up from her bowl of cereal, which she seemed to be playing with rather than eating, and met his gaze.

"Octavia's still in bed." Clarke said quietly before looking down at her food again. She spun the spoon around the bowl, swirling the contents around.

"Thought she might be." Bellamy nodded as he walked into the kitchen slowly. He didn't know what to say. Should he bring up the kiss? Should he pretend he'd forgotten about it? Should he wait for her to bring it up?

"She had fun last night, she deserves to sleep in." Clarke smiled softly.

"Thanks to your party." Bellamy said, placing two slices of bread in the toaster.

"Yeah.." Clarke trailed off. Her smile vanished and she looked like she was going to throw up.

"You okay?" Bellamy asked. He mentally scolded himself instantly. Stop taking an interest in her!

"Yeah I'm fine. I gotta go into town and get a new phone." Clarke said quickly. She stood up and placed her untouched breakfast in the sink.

Bellamy nodded his head. He remembered exactly why Clarke needed a new phone. Part of him was curious as to what had made her launch her phone across the room in the first place. But that would mean asking her personal questions and Bellamy didn't want to risk her asking him anything personal in return.


Clarke entered the phone store, her eyes darting left and right. She just wanted to get the phone and go home again. The less time out in public the better. Clarke felt a small tap on her shoulder and jumped slightly.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. You're Clarke right?" A tanned woman with long brown hair and gorgeous eyes said.

"Yeah, Raven right? We met last night?" Clarke answered, pointing at the girl.

"That's me." Raven held her arms out the side and smiled.

"It's great to see you again, do you work here?" Clarke asked.

"Only on weekends. I'm a mechanic during the week." Raven grinned. "But a girl has bills to pay."

"I know the feeling. I just need to get a new phone quick and then I'll be out your hair." Clarke smiled.

"What happened to yours?" Raven asked.

"It got smashed, too much drink." Clarke lied hastily. If there was one thing she was good at, it was thinking on her feet.

"I can try and fix it for you if you want? Rather than spending money on a new phone?" Raven offered. Clarke hadn't expected that.

"It's fine, I'm due a new one anyway." Clarke smiled.

"Okay, well take your pick and come find me if you need anything." Raven smiled before walking away and leaving Clarke alone.


After finally purchasing a new phone, with Ravens number now added, Clarke eventually left the store. She was just thankful she had written all her important contacts in a notebook. As she sat in her car, she opened the black book and entered the numbers into her new phone. Once she'd added them all, she sent a message to all the numbers.

New number, Clarke Griffin.

Placing her newly purchased phone in her purse, Clarke drove home. There was no way Cage could contact her now. She'd only given the number to a few friends and her mother. None of those contacts would give Clarke's number to Cage.

Feeling slightly better, Clarke turned on the radio and began the journey home.


Later that night, Bellamy pulled up to the address he'd been sent. Everything in his entire being was screaming at him to turn around and go home. But someone had reached out to Bellamy, offering him money in exchange for a simple job.

Bellamy got out the car and looked around. He was on what seemed to be an old industrial estate. The buildings were derelict and only two of the streetlights worked. Just down the road another car was parked. The driver got out the car and made his way over to Bellamy.

"You got what I asked for?" The man asked.

"Tell me why you need Clarke Griffins number first." Bellamy said.

"I told you, her mother has been trying to reach out to her, she hired me to find Clarke. If you want me to keep up my end of the deal, I suggest you do your part and hand over Clarke's number." The man replied gruffly.

Bellamy thought for a moment, before letting out a sigh and pulling his phone out his pocket. He opened the message Clarke had sent him earlier, the message with her new phone number on, and read it out to the man in front of him.

"Thank you Bellamy. You've been a big help." The man's smile made Bellamy feel violently sick. Something didn't feel right.

"Clarke's not going to get hurt is she?" Bellamy asked uncertainly.

"Of course not. It's just business." The man smiled again.

"This all seems a bit extreme for a phone number." Bellamy said, looking around.

"You'll get your money by the end of the week. Besides, you said yourself you wanted Clarke gone." The man smirked.

Bellamy remained silent as the man flashed one last sickening smile in his direction and walked away. Once the man was inside his own car and had driven out of sight, Bellamy returned to his own car. With a sigh, Bellamy began his own journey home.

Filled with regret.

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