Chapter 8: He's Back!

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Sooo this has not been edited:D sorry for any typos:D also, i started a new story called The Outlaw's Secret:D please check it out:D thanks! also, can i have a couple votes to the next chapter:D thanks!

In NEED of an editor for this story:D PLEASEEE!!!


Chapter Eight: He’s Back!

 I stepped up even closer and raised my hand, as if to slap him. However instead, I placed a quick kiss on his lips before burying my face in his chest; sobbing my eyes out. He stiffened, clearly not expecting it. He pulled me closer, hugging me tight against him. I pulled away after an indeterminable amount of time, sniffling. I smiled up at him, through my tear filled eyes. He looked very concerned for me, it was sweet. “Hunter? How come you aren’t listening in on my thoughts, in fact, I don’t think you have all day?” I questioned.

“Because it’s rude and, well, I figured if I want privacy I should give you the same courtesy. Also, well, I looked through your memories and, well, I was shocked……” I stared, utterly horrified. What if he knew about Jace? What would he do? This is bad. I started to hyperventilate. He took in my expression and started to backpedal.

“Well not all of them, some of them are locked away. How could your father do that to you though? How could he abuse his child? I would never do such a thing to my children!” I glanced at him, a little shocked. He didn’t know about Jace? Good. I’ll tell him eventually, when I’m ready. I slowly raised my head. “Hunter, your assuming you’ll have children. I don’t want children. And, I don’t even know if I love you. Also, how can you love me? You don’t even know me……” I begged desperately; trying to understand.  He looked like I had just ripped out his heart. I felt terrible. I pulled up his face so I could see his eyes. “Hunter?”  I asked.

“I can’t help but love you Angel. I- how could I not love someone like you? You- when you get hurt, or beaten or anything to put you down, you bound back. You love people; you love children, you’re sweet and sarcastic and fun to be around, even if you’re a bit bratty. You are an amazing person Angel; which is why I just don’t understand why you don’t want to have children. Granted I know it’s very early to even talk about it but Angel, I am positive that you’re the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. If you don’t feel the same way though, I will understand….” he trailed off. 

“Hunter, I do care for you deeply, but I don’t know if I honestly love you. I would tell you why I don’t want children...but I just can’t. I wish I could, but I feel like I can’t…. Hunter, it’s incredibly hard for me to trust people, to trust them completely. I’m so sorry Hunter.” I was practically begging for him to understand by the end. He had an understanding look on his face thank goodness. If he didn’t…….I would feel even worse. 

“Angel, I understand. I love you………but I’m willing to wait. I have something for y-“

“Angel!” a voice screamed right before a little bundle of Gabriel-ness hit me. “Gabriel!” I screamed, scooping him up and twirling him around.

“AHHH!” I screamed when Hunter embraced me from behind. “I thought if you were so enthusiastic, I’d get in on the fun.” He growled right next to my ear; causing me to shiver.

“What happened to ‘going slow’?” I asked sarcastically.

“I lied.” He growled into my neck.

I rolled my eyes.  “Good. I was worried about you Angel. Are you okay?” the king asked, walking into the room. I jerked out of Hunters grip, and walked forward a little, out of Hunters irritating grasp. “I-We are fine your highness.” I said, lifting my eyes to meet his. In his eyes was a predatory gleam. Not good. I shivered and his eyes looked even freakier. “Hunter….” I said hoarsely, turning to face Hunter. “I was wondering if you would show me around town. I wanted to see what it looked like…..”  I trailed off. I really wanted to see what it looked like outside of the castle. Hunter nodded his head in affirmation. “Cool!” I yelled, giving Gabriel a little kiss on the head. He smiled. The whole time I was thinking or talking, Gabriel had snuggled into my arms, partially falling asleep. “Can I go get ready Hunter? I asked. He grinned and nodded again. A maid scurried in and took Gabriel from my arms and carried him out of the room. I left the room at a run. I got to go to town! Yay!


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