Late Night Date

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Kassie sat down in the diner "Spinners" waiting for her order patiently. She was wearing a dark green jacket and black sweatpants. Her hair was in a half bun, half down. She looked out the window as she saw the cars passing by  and teens walking around the streets in the night. Suddenly the sound of a bell rung as the door swung open. She turned her head to see a tall figure with dark black curls and a blue T shirt.Trevor.  He waved at her with a small smile on his face as she stared at him walking over. She waved back returning the smile as he sat down beside her.

"Hey Kass" he said as he locked eye contact with her.

"Hey Trev" she said back to him with a smile still on her face. There was a small silence before the waitress interrupted by coming over to Kassie with her order
"2 medium burgers with 2 cokes and fries" she said as she looked at Kassie

"Thanks" Kassie replied as the waitress sent her a small nod and turned away preparing another customers order.

"Oh right, I have to pay you back for this" Trevor said as he reached into his pockets looking for his wallet"

"No no you don't have to, it's fine"
"No, you paid for me so It only makes sense"
"Fine, but at least take this" Said kassie as she put a five dollar bill into his hands.
"I know how much your family is struggling so I'm offering to help you"
"You don't have to do this you know?"
"That's why I'm here for you"
Kassie cut him off but pressing her lips to his and giving him a small peck on the lips.
"I love you" she whispered
"I love you more" he whispered back

"So how have you been preparing for exams?" Kassie asked him

"Uh to be honest I haven't studied at all" he replied with a quiet tone like he didn't want her to hear anything he had just said

"Trevor, you can't do that, if you fail you'll have to go to summerscholl for 5 weeks instead of spending it doing what you want."

"I know, I know, I've been doing other things though," he replied with a time of excitement in his voice.

"And what exactly would that be may I ask?"

"I've been fixing my grandfather's car that he left here," He said with passion in his voice

"Really? Has it turned on yet?" Kassie asked now not so disappointed that he was achually doing something rather than studying for his exams but slightly disappointed considering the face she had hoped he would have known better.

2 hours later
Kassie and Trevor sat in Kassies car in complete silence as Trevor drove down her street, driving her home.

"Here it is" Trevor said as he pulled up to the sidewalk that was just before the driveway.


"Thanks for everything tonight" Trevor said as he turned his head to look at her, his hand still on the wheel.

There was a small silence between the two of them as they just sat there

"Are you gonna head inside?"
"Yeah, thanks for tonight, I loved it and I love you" She said as she leaned over to kiss him

"I love you more" he replied as he pulled away

"I'll see you tommorow at 5" Kassie told him as she got her things together and opened the door.

"See you" he smiled

"Bye, love you" Kassie said as she  closed the door and  turned away, and  started walking to her driveway"

As she grabbed he keys she made sure to be quiet as no light in the house were on and she assumed everyone was sleeping.

She opened the door, walked in and shut it slowly yet quietly, making sure not to make any sound.

She started walking towards her kitchen when suddenly the lights turned  on and  she heard a familiar voice behind her

"Where have you been?"

Kassie spun her head around only to be face to face to her mom

"I was on my date with Trevor, I thought I told you"

"I know you went on your date, but do you have any idea what time it is right now?"

"It's 10"

"Kassie" her mother said in a more sincere and firm tone


"It is 10 pm in the night, you left at 6"

"I know im really sorry"

"I don't want you being out for more than 3 hours"

"Yeah I got it" Kassie replied

"Go get dressed, take a shower and go to sleep,  tommorow will be a busy day"

"Tomorrow?" Kassie said turning her head to once again face her mom

"Yes tommorow, didn't I tell you a month back?"

"Yeah but I already made plans with Trevor"

"Why would you do that?"
"What do you mean why?"
"You know this has been coming up and your trying to ignore it?" Her mother spoke in a concerned voice
"No I just forgot"
"We'll call him right now and tell him you can't hang out"
"Why? We can just go after"
"I understand the two of you are in love but you need to separate or at least have a break every now and then, your obsessed with him" she finished the sentence with a small laugh

Kassie looked at her mom in disbelief. She had been looking forward to this day since her and Trevor had started dating, and now because she had to go to a photoshoot with her mom, she had to cancel one of the most important days of her relationship.

"It our first year anniversary mom"

"I understand th-.

"NO YOU DON'T! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND AND YOU'LL NEVER UNDERSTAND! WE DIDN'T MOVE HERE FOR NOTHING! I MOVED HERE FOR TREVOR AND ONLY HIM! NOTHING ELSE MATTERS FOR ME RIGHT NOW! I don't care that I have to go to some photoshoot! She said slightly lowering her loud voice that had possibly already woken her sister

"Kassie I'm so sorry, I should have listened to you, I'm sorry"

Kassie took a few seconds to breathe and get her air.

"I'll call the company tommorow and cancel"

"Thanks mom, it's not like I don't want to go, I can't miss my anniversary"

"Okay, now go and get some sleep".

Kassie nodded and walked over to her bed.


Authors Note:
I haven't watched Ghostbusters Afterlife yet but this is just an random idea I had to write this so I did and I hope you enjoyed reading it!

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