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Playlist to this chapter (songs you can listen to while reading the story to help visualize the mood)

Jealousy - Olivia Rodrigo

Trevor's POV:

I was sitting at Spinners waiting for Kassie to come. She had texted me she was going to be late because she had to finish up her English assignment and she would come to the diner right after she was done.

After a few moments of waiting, I heard the bell of the diner open and there she stood with the long brown hair reaching below her shoulders, her hair blowing slightly as the winds hits her hair. She turned her head to look in my direction and locked her eyes with mine.

"Hey, sorry about running late, the assignment is due tomorrow and I figured you wanted to hang out after-school tomorrow so I had to finish it" she said slightly rambling as she sat down. She was wearing a black top and skinny jeans. She looked beautiful.

"No, no it's perfectly fine" I said to her not wanting her to feel guilty that's she was late.

"So, do you wanna order?" I asked her

"Yeah sure" she replied.

Kassie's POV:

Just as I replied, a waiter walked towards us. He had brown hair and blue eyes.

"Hi I'm David, can I get you anything?' he asked us then turning his head and smiling a smile at me quickly before turning back to Trevor.

"Yeah I'll have a medium burger with a medium coke and fries, thanks" I told him

"Ill just have a medium coke, thanks" I told David and looked to his right. 

"And will this be in dinning or takeout?" He asked.

"Takeout please" Trevor told him.

"Awesome, ill have that done for you as soon as possible" David told us happily and started working on our orders. He turned to me and sent me a smile and his cheeks turned pink

After out orders were done, David handed us our orders in two brown paper bags and asked: "Is that all for today?" 

At this point I could see that something was bothering Trevor as he stood up and spoke in a loud yet firm tone. 

"Yes that will be all for me and my GIRLFRIEND!" He clarified while grabbing my hand and wrapping his arm around my waist. "So don't even try to hit on her because she HAS a BOYFRIEND!" He said gripping my waist tighter, grabbing our bags with our orders in them and turning us around so we were face back to David and walked out angrily. 

As soon as we got to the car, Trevor walked to my door, opened it and I sat down, he then closed the door and walked to the drivers seat and inserted the keys into the ignition which then the car started up and he started to look behind him as he backed out of the diner. 

"Trevor, is everything okay? I mean I don't wanna annoy you or anything but you seem really angry" I told him. 

"Yeah I'm fine, its just him who really pissed me off because he was trying to hit on you, and he definitely KNEW!" He said slightly irritated

"Trevor, even if he did try to hit on me, you know I wouldn't" I told him reaching for his hand that was resting and held it, hoping it would help him calm down. 


"No problem".

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