You Got This

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Kassie was talented. She saw herself as any normal high school teenager, her boyfriend however envied her for her talents. He always wanted to be able to draw and do the things she could do, anytime she asked him if she could play her favorite song in the car he never hesitated, he let her sing as many songs she wanted. He loved hearing her angelic like voice synchronizing with the singer of the song and how similar she sounded to the singer which was her talent. It was so incredible that when he had seen that there was a talent show happening in a month, he begged and persuaded her to audition telling her how many people would love hearing her voice and she didn't mind, the only thing stopping her was her stage fright. 

4 weeks had passed since then and Kassie had auditioned and got in the talent show. She was singing "All Too Well" By Taylor Swift as she loved that song and could song all the long notes. 

"Are you excited about performing tomorrow? Its the last day of school anyways and its at the end of the day anyways so you have lots of time to prepare" Trevor told Kassie as they walked through the bustling hallway with teenagers passing them. 

"I felt really confident in the beginning, but now I'm scared someone will judge me or start laughing" Kassie replied looking back at him with a worried expression on her face. 

Trevor knew Kassie more than anyone at this point. Even her parents. He knew her insecurity's she had and how scared she could get at times like this. He would make sure he would make her confident when she didn't feel confident, he was there for her when she needed it most, and vise versa. There were only a few hours until she had to perform as she was the 5th on the list of 20 people on the list. He knew what he had to do and got an idea.

"Hey, since its lunch now, why don't we go and sit in my car and have lunch together?" He asked taking my hand and holding it in his. 

"Yeah, id like that" She Slightly smiling back at him. 


Trevor and Kassie sat in his Cadillac sitting silently until he spoke

"Kassie, listen" 

She turned her head to look at him as he spoke

"You are the most talented person I have met in this whole world, it doesn't matter what others think of you because there are people in this world who care about you and what you do" 

"Like you" She chuckled

"Yeah I care about everything you do, but that's not my point, my point is that regardless what people say, you listen to yourself and the people with the positive comments, otherwise you keep digging deeper and deeper into a whole that you cant get yourself out of, so when your performing, forget about the world and think about yourself and if you mess up, its okay because it shows your not flawless, and what's so cool about not making mistakes, so just go out there, sing like there's no tomorrow, and be the best of the 20 other people" he finished leaning in kissing her lips softly and leaning his head on her shoulder. 

"Thanks" she whispered leaning her head into the crook of his neck. 

"You Got This" He said leaving a kiss on her neck.

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