Drunk As A Skunk Part 2

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Trevor's POV:

As Tessa went to go and check on Kassie, I walked up to Josh and Liam to confront them about what they had done to Kassie.

"Hey guys, mind if I ask you about something real quick?" I asked simple, but serious

"Yeah sure" said Liam with a smile now on his face.

"What did you do to her?" I asked

"What did we do to who?" Joshua said. "We were just serving drinks that's all were doing."

"You know who I'm talking about!" I said raising my tone from frustration of them denying it and acting like they had no idea what I was talking about.

"No literally we don't have any clue who your talking about man" said Liam with a straight face.

"Fine, if you cant remember, Ill just tell you then" I said more frustrated. "KASSIE!" I yelled.

I didn't care about the fact that people had probably started looking at me because I had yelled. I just wanted to get Kassie, drive her home and get her to safety. It was my fault I let her go to this party in the first place, now I let her get drunk and potentially pass out and I had to finish what I started.

"Oh, about that I think she's in the bathroom if your looking for her" said Joshua

"I know where she is" I said back

"Well what's the problem then?" said Liam

"The problem is that I brought Kassie here to celebrate Tessa's birthday, and yet the 2 of you have ruined it by offering her alcohol she didn't know was alcohol and now she's in the bathroom probably passed out and sick because of the 2 of you!" I raised my voice.

"Then why didn't you say anything? You knew it was alcohol, you should have stopped Kassie, why didn't you?"

"I didn't want to be an overprotective boyfriend"

"Well believe it or not, were really sorry about what we did to her, we just wanted her to finally have  a try at alcohol" said Joshua.

"Apology not accepted" I said. "And if you dare do something else to her, you better watch out" I threatened. I then turned to my left to see the stairs that led to the bathroom and started making my way up them. I hoped Kassie was okay.

Tessa's POV:

As soon as I opened the door, the light was off, so I turned it on revealing Kassie laying on the white marble floor. I rushed over to her and started shaking her while yelling her name.


Trevor's POV:

After looking through all the doors in the hallway looking for the bathroom, I turned to the door across Tessa's room. "This had to be it" I thought as I turned the nob to show Tessa shaking Kassie vigorously, repeating her name. She spun her head to see me.

"Is- Is she okay?" I asked worried

"I don't know, I've been trying to shake her awake for the past 15 minutes" She replied

"Kassie!" I yelled at her, hoping she would wake, but didn't.

Both me and Tessa tried to yell and shake Kassie awake, but still nothing.

"I should bring her home" I said sighing. "Its my fault all this happened anyways so I should be the one to apologize to her first thing in the morning if she wakes up".

"Yeah, good idea, do you want me to help you?"

"Yeah, can you just open the door for me?"

"Yeah of course"

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