Drunk As A Skunk (Part 1)

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(Everyone is aged up to legal drinking age in this chapter) 

Kassie never liked parties. The loud ones in particular. She would much rather spend her time in a library, a quiet, yet peaceful environment where nothing could hurt her, but silence and the clicks of keys and the quiet sound of people walking on the carpet of the library as they scanned through the books. 

"Kassie you know you don't have to do this if you don't want to" Trevor told her as he pulled up to Tessa's house where the party was being hosted.

"I know, i just-" She struggled to find the last few words to finish her sentence. 

Trevor knew she wasn't a fan of parties. She never went to one, and every invitation she had been given, she  always rejected kindly and never ended up going. She was scared of the many things that could happen. She could get drunk, she could end up getting seriously injured. But the more she rejected, the worst she felt about it. But when her best friend's 17th birthday came up, she felt that she had to accept, it was her best friend who had been there for her so many years ago and was still by her side. She ended up telling Trevor, her boyfriend and he told her he would go with her, of course he knew she was afraid, so he was there to have a good time, but to also make sure she would feel comfortable and wouldn't make any stupid decisions. 

"Kass, you okay?" Trevor asked her as she was staring blanky out the window of the car at Tessa's house as she though of the many things that could happen. 

She turned to look at him and replied "Yeah, I'm just worried about what could happen, I mean its my first time drinking and what if I get drunk and pass out, what if I get hurt? What I-" she was cut off by being pulled into his chest as he wrapped his long arms around her waist and rested his chin on the top of her head, kissing it lightly. 

"Nothing bad is going to happen to you, I promise" He said holding her a little tighter and nuzzling his head into the crook of her neck. 

"Okay, but just make sure to stay with me at all times, okay" she told him.

"Promise" he replied as he pulled away and they stared into one another's eyes in the dark but peaceful night.


20 minutes later

Kassie's POV: 

Me and Trevor were both sitting down talking with Tessa.

"Can you believe school is almost over?" she exclaimed with excitement as she took a sip of her drink. 

"Yeah, the year is almost over" I replied 

We continued talking about other things until 2 boys came up to us offering us drinks. I recognized them from the diner Trevor worked at. 

"You guys want some fruit punch?" they asked us

"Sure" I replied taking a cup. 

I was about to take sip when Trevor stopped me. "Kassie, I wouldn't drink that if I were you" Trevor said as he was about to take the cup from my hands but I pulled it towards me and out of his reach. 

Narrators POV: 

So far, everything was going just fine with Trevor and Kassie. They were talking with Tessa about how school was almost finished when two boys that worked at the same diner Trevor worked at offered Kassie fruit punch. She gladly accepted, not thinking much of it as it was just juice. 

Some time passed as Kassie and Trevor continued their conversation with Tessa. She didn't mind talking with them as she knew Kassie didn't like parties and wouldn't have much to do . 

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