Car Problems

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Kassie was going over to her best friend Tessa's house to film some videos for her and Tessa's YouTube channel as they had started one posting vlogs and doing fun challenges together. Today they were doing a Q and A where they would answer fans questions.

Kassie opened the door to her garage and walked over to her car, unlocking the door and walking in. She put the keys into the ignition and turned the key but the car didn't start. Kassie turned it again and this time instead of no sound, came a spurting sound. It was if the car was trying to start up but couldn't.

Kassie sighed in annoyance as the car continued to make the same sound. She tried to see if anything else worked, she honked the horn but no sound came. She pulled her phone out and texted Tessa explaining to her that her car wouldn't start. 


Hey, so I have a bit of bad news. My car won't start up and I don't know why so we're gonna have to pospond filming until next week, hopefully if my car is fixed by then.

Oh no that sucks, but it's fine because I have something I have to do anyways so I hope it gets fixed but let me know when it's done so you can come over and we can film!

Sounds great!

She then tried one last time before deciding to call the one person she knew could fix this. Trevor.

She called him and the phone rang a few times before he picked up. "Hello?"

"Hey Trevor, I was about to drives to Tessa's to film a YouTube video with her for our channel, but my car won't start and your really the only person I know who could fix it so can you maybe-?"

"Yeah of course, anytime! I'll be right over" he replied back with a tone of slight urgance.

"Great thanks, see you soon" I smiled and hung up.

I waited for at least 5 minutes before I saw a car behind me.

Trevor parked his car and walked over to me.

"Hey" he said as he kissed my right cheek and pulled me into a hug.

"I missed you"
"It's been a week-"
"Yeah I know"

"So have you tried turning it on and off?" He asked

"Yeah I've done that like 6 times Trevor, I think I would know that it's not working"

"Right, I'll have a look and let you know, can I borrow your keys?"  he asked  walking over to my car and opening the door.

"Oh right" I walked over and handed them to him.


He sat down in the driver's seat and inserted the keys in the ignition and turned them. The only sound that came out was the familiar spluttering sound.

"So when you've tried starting the car up, this is the sound it makes?" He asked me getting out.

"Yeah, everytime" I replied back

"Okay well it means that the battery of your car is low"

"The battery?"

'Yes, every car has a battery that eventually runs out"

"So I haven't damaged it or anything?" I asked confused

"No, you just need to bring it to a car shop and they should be able to replace it, until then, you can use my car" he told me now closing the car door and walking over to me.


"What? Why not?"

"Because I'll crash it"

"Kassie that's ridiculous, if your really that nervous, I'll teach you"

"No way"

"Yes way"

Authors Note:

I don't know where I got this idea but I guess it's a good story? Idk! Let me know any ideas for any imagines or short stories because id love to write them for you guys! Also make sure to listen to my new song "I'll go far" when it comes out! You can follow me on Instagram: (itskassierose) to stay updated! Hope you guys enjoyed this story and until then have a great day

I don't know where I got this idea but I guess it's a good story? Idk! Let me know any ideas for any imagines or short stories because id love to write them for you guys! Also make sure to listen to my new song "I'll go far" when it comes out! You...

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Also I love this photooooo! If you were dating him this would definitely be a photo you would have in your camera roll!

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