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Kassie was currently on her lunch break hanging out and talking with her friends Kaitlyn and Hanna. They got bored and decided to go to Hanna's house since they had planned it a week ahead they would go and hang out in her backyard. The walk wasn't too far from the school, it was just passed the bridge and across the crosswalk. The 3 girls eventually got there and started looking at Hanna's backyard looking amazed at how big it was.

"Do you guys wanna go on the zip line?" Asked Hanna.

"Sure" both Kassie and Kaitlyn replied walking over to it . There was a wooden ladder to help reach the handle of the zip line which was connected to the tree way up high like it was touching the sky.

Kaitlyn went first hanging on as she continued swinging until she stopped and landed on the ground.

Kassie was afraid to go but went anyways because Kaitlyn has already gone and said she was fine. She also got confirmation from Hanna telling her it was sever and no one had even gotten injured, so she finally made the decision to go.

As she got up of the ladder, her anxiety hit that this was the probably a bad idea and she shouldn't have agreed to doing it, but she didn't want to be a bad friend so she tried to get over herself. As her hands touched the freezing cold handles of the zip line, a feeling of coldness made her spine shiver. She closed her eyes for a moment praying and hoping she would be okay and that nothing would happen to her. She could hear Hanna and Kaitlyn cheering her on telling he she could do it. She opened her and brought her knees up to her chest. Wow I'm actually doing it, it's not that bad as I thought. She thought to herself as she started swinging back to the wooden ladder. Suddenly she felt her finders starting to loosen up.

All of a sudden she felt as if her whole body was floating in the clouds. And then it stopped. Her feet hit the ground and she couldn't feel or see anything. And everything stopped in that one second her body hit the ground.

She woke up to the sounds of Kaitlyn and Hanna's voices in concern saying her name and asking if she was okay. She opened her eyes and could see Kaitlyn beside her telling Hanna to get help.

"Are you okay!?" She asked looking around my face and then gasping

"Yeah, I just can't feel anything?"

"Does anything hurt?" She asked

"Just my head" I replied feeling the side of my head that made the most contact with the ice.

"Your nose is bleeding, and so is your lip, I've asked Hanna to go and get help, I'm so so so so sorry Kassie, we should've never done this." She told me disappointed.

"I think I'm fine cuz I can't feel anything, like my whole body is numb."

After that Hanna came with some paper towel whipping the blood off and we started walking back to the school. We all had Geography together making the situation better because they could help me and make sure nothing happened to me.

We reached the door near the cafeteria and started walking to the English classroom but caught a lot of my classmates attention as we walked through the bustling and busy hallway.

Nicole, one of our classmates passed us and stopped as soon as she saw what happened.

"Oh my gosh are you okay? What happened? Want me to help you bring you to the office?"

Kaitlyn answered her questions.

"She was on a zip line in Hanna's backyard we went to hang out in and slipped and hit her face on the ground."

"Oh my gosh, I feel so bad! Well if she gets dizzy she should go home and to a doctor." She replied and gave me a hug wishing me luck. She hugged Kassie and started walking the opposite direction to her class.

When we reached the class all eyes went in us immediately. Everyone started asking questions on what happened. And then out of the crowd came Trevor with a shocked and worried expression on his face. He looked devastated to see me like this.

"Alright can I have two people bring her down to the office?" Mrs. Hopkins asked as she walked over to me.

"Are you dizzy, nauseous in anyway?" She asked me trying to examine my face.

"Other than a little dizzy I feel fine" I replied honestly. I didn't feel that bad.

"Well then, I think you should go home and get some rest." She told me.

"But what about my presentation that I was supposed to present today?

She let out a small chuckle.

"I don't think it would be very nice if you passed out in the middle of a presentation. You can present it next week when you feel better." She smiled.

She turned back to the crowd of surrounding students.

"Can I have 2 volunteers please bring Kassie down to the office?"

Trevor shot his hand up in the air. So did Tessa.

"Alright Trevor and Tessa, bring her down to the medical office where she can rest until someone picks her up. Then please come back to class."

They nodded in response. They both grabbed one of my hands and started walking me out of the class. When we reached the office, Tessa offered for me to sit down with Trevor while she talked to the nurse about what had happened. Trevor turned his head to me.

"How are you feeling?"
"You sure?"
"You know who I am?"
"Yes, your my boyfriend"

He smiled.

"Yeah, but what's my name?"


"Trevor what?"

"Really!?" I rolled my eyes while laughing at him.

"Yes really, I want to make sure you know who I am, it's important that you know"

"Fine. Your name is Trevor Spengler"

"Yup" He smiled as he wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

Tessa came back from talking to the nurse and looked at us in awe.

"They said they'll call your mom to see if she can pick you up" Tessa told us sitting down beside us.

The three of us waited about 15 minutes, we started talk about how excited we all were for March break. Then we turned our heads when we saw my mom walk into the office. The nurse told her that I had probably gotten a mild concussion and that it was best that I rested for a week to get fully better.

(In the car)

Kassie and her mom sat in silence until her mom broke the silence.

"What were you thinking!?"

"Mom, you didn't even hear the whole story"
"Well then, what happened?"

"I decided to go with my 2 friends to one of their backyards and went on the zip line, and I slipped and fell."

"Oh my god Kassie, I'm not allowing you to ever do that again"

"I know, I learned from my mistake"


The rest of the car ride was silent.

Authors Note: Hello to everyone reading this. This story took me a few weeks to write so I appologize in advance if it's kinda weird and some parts are like: "what?" But I went to Vancouver, British Columbia for March break and have been writing every second I can so I can get these short stories out to you guys :)
Hope you liked this one!

P.S: Please check out my other story I'm currently working on for Trevor, the updates might be slow as I am focusing very hard on school and won't have as much time. Please also check me out on social media and DM me or email me if you have any requests or anything like that!

Instagram: @itskassierose

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