Happy Birthday

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Authors note: So I turned 15 yesterday (February 27) and I had an idea to write this so I hope you like it. (Yeah the photo of the cake is achually the cake my bestfriend made for me who is in this story) Also this story is how my birthday went so yeah!

Today was Kaitlyn's birthday, she was turning 15. She wasn't planning a huge party, just something small and simple, but still meaningful. She decided to invite Tessa and Trevor over for a sleepover.

It was around 3 when she heard the doorbell ring, she was finishing up with doing her makeup when her mom told her to stay upstairs because she wasn't supposed to see the cake. While her mom went downstairs to greet Tessa and Trevor, Kaitlyn stayed upstairs looking at herself in the mirror, deciding if she needed to add anything to the final touch.

When she walked out the bathroom doors she saw both Trevor and Tessa sitting in her bed talking to each other. She walked over and greeted them.

"Hi guys"

"Kaitlyn!" They both exclaimed and engulfed her in a hug, then pulled away.

"Happy Birthday!" Trevor told her as he leaned in to kiss her cheek.

"Thank you" Kaitlyn replied.

"Yeah, happy birthday!" Tessa exclaimed pulling the girl into yet another hug.

"Thanks guys" Kaitlyn replied pulling away and smiling.

"So, just so you know, your not allowed to open the fridge because the cake is in there and we don't want you to see it" Tessa told her.

"Okay, got it" Kaitlyn replied back.

The three of them headed downstairs to the living room to watch Netflix. After they were done, it was already 6 in the evening. Tessa and Kassie walked over to the stairs and were about to walk up when Kaitlyn stopped her. She looked at Tessa.

"Could I have a minute with Trevor alone?"

"Of course, yeah I'll wait for you" she replied

"Great, yeah thanks" Kaitlyn replied back as she walked over to Trevor, took his hand and started walking downstairs to walk outside with him. She didn't even care to put her jacket on.

Once they reached the driveway Infront of the garage, she stopped.

The two teenagers were face to face. Trevor was slightly towering over Kaitlyn as she was just a little shorter than him.

"So, Why'd you bring me out here?" He asked breaking the awkward silence between the two of them.

"I needed to ask you something" she replied nervously.

"Okay, what is it?"

"Since it's my birthday, I wanted to ask you for something"

"Yeah, I know you told me" Trevor replied

"It's just- I can't" Kaitlyn replied now slightly shaking from nervousness and cold.

"Cant what?" He asked

"I just- I want one thing"  Kaitlyn asked looking at her feet in nervousness.

"Hey look at me" Trevor reassured her turning her head to look at him.

"What do you want to ask me?" He asked curiously.

"Can I just have a kiss?" She asked

It took Trevor a few seconds to process what had just happened. Kaitlyn had brought him out here just to ask for something so simple. Why was she so shy of asking?

"Why didn't you say sooner? I've been waiting for this all day!" He chuckled at the question.

Kaitlyn hesitated before closing her eyes slowly and feeling Trevor started slowly leaning in and feeling his warm lips touch hers. She kissed back passionately, yet slowly enjoying herself as she felt him wrap his arms around her waist and her arms wrap around his shoulders. Their lips moved in sync.

The two teens pulled away slowly from the passionate kiss they just had. Kaitlyn looked Trevor in the eyes as she spoke.

"I love you"

Trevor blushed at her comment.

"I love you more" he replied back and lifted her up bridal style and spun her around.

"Trevor!" She squealed in excitement.

He put her down gently before wrapping his arms around her.

"I think we should head inside or Tessa's gonna think something is up" he told her in her ear.

"Yeah good idea" she replied back and pulled away from the hug, Trevor following behind her.

Back upstairs

Kaitlyn walked upstairs to see Tessa in the bathroom washing her face. When she was done, she saw Kaitlyn in front of her.

"Hey, I was starting to wonder where you went off to"

"Oh yeah, I just needed to talk to him about something." She lied slightly.

"Yeah, like I'll believe that" she said sarcastically.

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