Sleep Struggles

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Authors note: if you guys have any stories or imagines, please let me know if the comments and I'll write something. Reason I am asking is because I don't have ant more ideas but don't want to make it seem like I'm not interested in writing this book anymore. I'm also working on a book for Trevor so please check it out when I publish it, thanks so much and I hope you enjoy!

Kassie laid in her bed trying to fall asleep, but she couldn't. She tossed and turned whilst trying so hard to fall asleep but no matter what she did, her body wouldn't fall asleep. She kept trying until she finally gave up and decided to get a glass of water.

As she walked downstairs, she turned her head to see Trevor sleeping on her living room couch. She had invited him over earlier to play some games on her Nintendo Switch with him and they had ended up playing until it was pitch black out so her parents had let him stay the night as they didn't want him to walk home when it was so dark out and his mom was working late and wasn't able to pick him up.

Kassie walked over to her counter and opened the cupboard above her head, got a glass and closed it, she then walked over to the fridge and pressed the glass cup against the dispenser and the water started pouring out. Just as she walked over to the table to sit down and drink her water, her stomach started rumbling. She was hungry. She still had the cake leftover that her bestfriend Tessa had made her for her birthday.

She walked over to the fridge and got the container the cake was in. She set it down on the kitchen table and walked over to the drawers and got a fork out.she heard the stairs creek and turned her head to the source of the sound, but  just as she was about to turn her head back and close the drawer, the fork dropped to the ground making a loud bang as it hit the floor. Kassie cursed to herself quietly hoping nobody heard the sound. 

She stood silently for a few seconds waiting for a response. Nothing, so she walked over to the kitchen table, sat down and started eating her cake.

She pulled out her phone and started looking at her social media,and texted some friends including Tessa because for some reason she was also awake. That late  as well. She continued until she heard someone get up and start walking. The first thing that came to her mind was her parents so she quickly ducked under the table. The walking came closer until she heard a familiar voice say: "Kassie?"

In this second she knew she was in trouble. She couldn't get out of this situation now and wasn't able to fall asleep, now she woke someone up. She stayed where she was not moving, until they ducked their head under the table where she was hiding.

"What are you doing under the table? Did an earthquake hit?"

It was Trevor. He must have heard her drop the fork and wanted to see what was going on.

"No" Kassie replied. "I thought my parents were about to come down and kill me" she cluckcled at the last few words, knowing they wouldn't kill her but she would definitely be in some trouble for being awake at this hour in the night.

"Well I'm not your parents so why don't you get out if your hiding spot and tell me why your eating cake at 2 in the morning" Trevor told her helping her up from underneath the table.

"To be honest I cant sleep again and I tried everything I can to make myself sleep, ive taken melatonin (it's something you take to help you fall asleep) counting sheep, and listening to calming music and sounds but it just doesn't seem to work" she finished sighing in annoyance.

"Then why didn't you say anything?" Trevor asked curiously. "If you wouldn't told me I would have let you sleep next to me" He pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back in comfort.

"Well I didn't think it would be this hard* she complained about the fact that she had such a busy day tomorrow but want able to get the test she needed. She pulled away from the hug and looked Trevor in the eyes. How the reflection of the snow created some light and how beautify his brown chocolate eyes were.

"Why don't you come and sleep with me and we can talk about it in the morning" Trevor asked her.

"Yeah sounds good" Kassie replied back.

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