Chapter 3: I'm the Golden Child

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"So Luna Lovegood... is having Theo and Charlie's baby?" Draco said slowly as he ran his fingers through Hermione's curls. They were curled up on the chaise in front of the fire, Hermione reading while Draco digested the dinner that had wrapped up earlier.

"Looks that way," Hermione nodded, turning the page. Blaise and Pansy had taken Luca home, who had fallen fast asleep during dessert, while Theo had stayed behind to chat a little more. Charlie had taken it upon himself to make sure that Luna got home safely, while Theo wanted to talk to Hermione.

"This wasn't just some decision we made on a whim," Theo said quietly as he took her hand. "You know how much Lyra means to me... how much family means to me."

"I know Theo," Hermione said softly, squeezing his hand gently. "I just... I told you that I would do this for you and Charlie."

"I know you did," Theo smiled softly at her. "But we wanted our kid to grow up with yours. I know it seems quick and like we just wanted to be part of this and yes that's part of it. My own selfish need to not feel left out... but the other part of me... the part that Charlie agrees with... we want our baby to grow up with your babies. You are the closest thing I have ever had to a sister Hermione. I want what you and I have for our little ones. Screw everything else, I want our little mini... to have a mini you."

"I would have never thought Lovegood of all people would be having a baby with them," Draco chuckled.

"And why not?" she asked, an eyebrow raised as she looked up at him.

"I.." Draco chuckled and shook his head. "I feel like any answer I have for that is not right so I'm just going to stop before I piss you off."

"Oh look at that," Hermione smirked. "He's learning."

"Very funny," he said as he rolled his eyes. Both adults looked over when the sound of little feet entered the room. Lyra skipped into sight, clutching onto her stuffed dragon with Hercules right behind her. She had a smile on her face, a smile that they were beginning to know all too well. She was up to something. "I thought you were in bed little dragon."

"Can I have a sleepover with Jamie?" Lyra asked sweetly. "Please?"

"Sweetheart it's bedtime," Hermione reminded her.

"Maybe tomorrow we can see if Victoire wants to come over for a sleepover," Draco added, smiling at the girl he couldn't deny.

"No daddy," Lyra shook her head. "Jamie."

"Well I don't think Uncle Harry will let Jamie stay the night here," Draco said, pursing his lips.

"That's ok daddy," Lyra smiled again. "I'll ask him."

"Lyra," Hermione laughed.

"Don't you want to spend time with your other friends?" Draco groaned. "You know the ones that don't have the last name Potter?"

"No," Lyra shook her head. "Jamie is my favorite. I want a sleepover with him. Uncle Harry won't say no to me."

"Oh, he won't?" Hermione asked with a soft little smile as she sat up. "And why is that?"

"Because I'm the golden child," Lyra shrugged. "Everyone loves me."

"I love you," Draco laughed. "Do you know that?"

"I know."

April 2011

"Another sleepover?" Harry asked looking down at the little girl sitting beside him at the table. Her big brown eyes were just like her mother's and he was having a hard time keeping a straight face while watching the all too familiar look of determination in her eyes.

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