Chapter 9: Don't tell Mom the Babysitter's Drunk

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January 2013

"Can we talk about how old our baby is getting?" Theo groaned as he sat gathered with the other exhausted parents in the Malfoy Manor library. Hermione let out a soft moan as Draco took off her heels and started rubbing her feet. The annual Malfoy New Years Eve Gala had just ended and while all the children were long asleep, the parents were too exhausted to make their way up to their rooms just yet. "Only a few more years and she will be off at Hogwarts."

"Don't remind me," Draco groaned, running his fingers through his hair. He was all too aware how fast time was flying and how Lyra was growing up in front of his eyes.

"My daughter is nowhere near a Hogwarts letter," Hermione argued weakly. "Don't say that to me. I'm not ready."

"None of us are," Blaise started with a slight chuckle as he helped his wife unpin her hair, massaging her scalp. "I remember the first time I held her. She was such a tiny little thing."

"I remember the day she was born," Theo sighed dreamily, dropping back into Charlie's lap.

"Yes,yes," Pansy rolled her eyes. "We know. You're a good friend."

"And don't you forget it," Theo waved, causing the room to chuckle. "Do you ever think about it?"

"Think about what Nott?" Draco chuckled, sending a wink to Hermione.

"How we all got here... how different our lives could truly be right now," Theo said and silence filled the room. They all knew just how different their lives could be if things had gone differently. "Who would've thought I would ever say thank the gods for the boy who lived twice."

"He hates when you call him that," Hermione said yawning and Draco chuckled, scooping her into his arms.

"We know," Draco smirked. "I'm taking sleeping beauty off to bed."

"Don't forget a silencing charm," Blaise smirked and Draco flipped him off as he and Hermione made their way up the stairs.

"They are definitely going to forget the charm," Charlie chuckled and Theo smirked.

"Oh definitely," he agreed.

Setting Hermione down gently, Draco began the work of unbuttoning the tiny buttons down her back that were holding the dress together. If he was a more impatient man, he would have ripped it off of her completely but he knew his witch loved this dress. "You looked beautiful tonight love," Draco smiled, kissing her shoulder.

"Thank you," Hermione said softly, releasing the rest of her curls that were pinned half up. "I think the night was a success. I hope your parents were happy."

"My parents would be happy if it was only us and the children," Draco chuckled, helping her step out of her dress as the fabric pooled down to her feet. "Who would have thought that Lucius Malfoy would have such adoration for his grandchildren?"

"I would have," Hermione said softly, turning and pushing his dress robes from his shoulders and beginning to unbutton his dress shirt. Draco smiled down at her as she stood in front of him in only her knickers and stockings. "I've seen him with you. I know the capacity of love the man has for his family."

"You're too good for us," Draco murmured, kissing her temple as she pushed the dress shirt from his shoulders.

"Semantics," Hermione winked as she pushed his trousers down.

"Why did Theo have to bring up how old Lyra is getting? I'm not ready to even begin to think about sending her off to Hogwarts," Draco complained, toeing off his shoes and vanishing her knickers with a wave of his hand as he crawled into bed.

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