Epilogue #1- Lyra's Letter

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Dear Mum and Dad,

Hi! I'm writing to tell you that I'm all settled in my dorm. The girls are really nice. They aren't Athena and Jamie but I think they will do. Hagrid picked us up at the train and brought us into the Great Hall. It was so different and so magical mum! Tell Scorp and Thea that I miss them already. And Make sure that they don't keep Mione locked away in her egg, Hercules is already getting lots of love and affection from everyone, he loves it.

Tell Auntie Pansy and Uncle Blaise and Uncle Charlie and Uncle Theo

"Bloody hell," Theo laughed as Hermione read the letter to the room. "That little witch can ramble on and on."

"Shut up Theo!" Ginny snapped. Everyone had been waiting patiently- well mostly everyone- for Lyra to send a letter after the sorting ceremony. Draco was pacing, while Lucius and Narcissa sat stoically by the fire. Theo tried to reach for the letter to snatch it from Hermione when he let out a yelp. A silent stinging hex was sent at him as Hermione smirked before continuing on.

And Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny that I love and miss them! Mum, I saw a plaque with your name and Uncle Harry's name! Ronald Weasley was on it too but I just ignored his name. Miss Minnie gave a speech and then we had a delicious dinner. It's not as good as Milly's cooking, please tell her that for me.

"I love that little witch," Pansy chuckled.

I have to go to bed now because I have classes early in the morning. I'll write to everyone soon. Tell Papa and Nana that I sent them a letter too. Give Leo kisses for me. I can't wait to see you at the first Quidditch game! Oh and Neville I mean Professor Longbottom says hi!


Lyra Elizabeth Malfoy

"THAT'S IT!" Theo shouted, jumping up from his seat as his arms waved about wildly. "She didn't even tell us what house she was sorted into! She can't just not tell us! I'm going to apparate my arse to Hogwarts and demand to be told which house my little Lyra is in!"

"Relax," Harry chuckled. "Over being overdramatic again.

"Does your letter say where she got sorted?!" Theo said to Narcissa and Lucius.

Oh! Tell Uncle Theo to stop yelling at everyone. Of course I got sorted into Slytherin. I'm a Malfoy.

"What did I tell you?" Draco said smugly as he smirked at Harry from across the room.

"Fine.. you were right," Harry grumbled, crossing his arms across his chest in a defiant manner.

"Sorry, didn't hear you all the way over here. A bit louder Potter."

"I said... you were right."

"And don't you forget it."

"Boys," Hermione said, rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

"See," Harry said looking directly at Hermione with a slight smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "This is what happens when you let three Slytherin Wizards raise your little girl."

"And I wouldn't have had it any other way."

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