Chapter 4: The Binding is Fragile

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June 2011

" No... "

" No don't... please"

"Don't hurt them please..."

Draco stirred in bed, rubbing his eyes as something pulled him out of his deep sleep. When he heard his wife start to whimper, his body jumped to immediate action. Silently lighting the candles around the room, he turned to his sleeping wife who was next to him writhing and crying out in her sleep. He gently grabbed her, stroking her hair and whispering soothing words in her ear to wake her. "Shh love... it's me. You're ok. Lyra is ok... the babies are you ok. You're here with me ma belle." Kissing her temple, he continued on reverently as her body shook and clutched at their little ones still growing inside of her. "No one is going to harm them, I won't let it happen."

From the beginning of this pregnancy, Hermione's nightmares had come back with a vengeance. Night after night, especially in the beginning, she wake in tears, her throat raw from screaming. Her dreams had seemed to calm after the first trimester but lately, they were back and worse than ever. She could never seem to wake herself and her cries broke his heart. His mother had tried to assure him that the stress of pregnancy and the hormones that accompanied it were a factor in her very vivid night terrors but Draco had other ideas for the root of the problem. Ever since the incident with the cursed blade at Nott Manor, Hermione's nightmares had been different. They were more violent and draining.

"Open your eyes love," Draco murmured, brushing her sweat-soaked curls from her face. As she whimpered, he pulled her closer, humming softly in her ear. He felt her trembling hands tighten in his arms and he felt his body relax slightly.

"Draco..." Hermione breathed, her eyes fluttering open. Her vision was cloudy with tears but she could feel her husband holding her close. She tried to take deep breaths to calm herself, her own healer training kicking in, but nothing except the feel of her husband and his warm voice was helping her to calm down. Something in her heart clenched as she felt a sharp, stabbing pain in her lower abdomen. "Draco... something is wrong..."

"Milly!" Draco said, jumping to action right away. As the little house elf appeared in the room with a crack, her eyes widened at the sight of Draco and Hermione in bed, the young witch clutching onto her husband. "Milly I need you to get my mother and bring her here please. Tell her it's the babies."

"Yes Mr. Draco yes!" Milly shouted before cracking out of the room again. Hermione tried to breathe, her and Draco both clutching onto her stomach. Within a few moments, even if they felt like minutes to the young couple, Milly appeared again with Lucius and Narcissa in tow. Narcissa quickly approached the bed, looking at the terrified young couple.

"Let's take a look darling," Narcissa soothed, tucking a curl behind Hermione's ear.

"I'll go and tend to Lyra," Lucius spoke, nodding to his son. "I'll make sure she's still asleep."

"Thank you," Draco spoke, helping Hermione get into position for his mother.

"Just try to breathe," she reminded the young witch that had very much grown to be like a daughter to her. "I know you know everything I'm about to do."

Hermione nodded, clutching onto Draco as she watched Narcissa cast the diagnostic charms over. She tried to stay calm. She tried to listen to the words her husband was whispering in her ear, to no avail. She couldn't keep her eyes off the runes illuminated above her stomach and going over in her mind everything that they could mean. Her mind never shut off and it was racing a mile a minute at the moment.

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