Chapter 5: I Want One, Can We Have Nine of Them?

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August 2011

As the day continued its descent into night, the gathered group continued on with their celebration in the Nott Manor gardens.

"So you owe me fifteen galleons," Theo grinned at his husband. "Both Pansy and Hermione started crying at the beginning of our vows and you thought they would hold it together until the end."

Charlie gave Theo a look as they continued to dance, briefly looking over Theo's shoulder at all of their friends and family.

"In my defense, Pansy didn't cry during her pregnancy with Luca until she was seven months, so I thought she would have at least held it together."

Theodore gave a chuckle, his head resting lightly on Charlie's shoulder. "Thanks for coming home for Christmas one day and deciding to befriend the bushy haired swot in your living room and then pretend to date her."

"Really?" Charlie chuckled, pulling Theo a little closer. "Not, thanks for loving me or thanks for putting up with my crazy group of friends?" he teased.

"Both of those... but also have you met your family?" Theo raised a brow, placing a small kiss on Charlie's neck before looking up at him.

"I love you," Charlie grinned. "And now you're my family."

"I love you," Theo repeated, grinning back. "And now you're my family too."

"Uncle Theo," Lyra said as she stood in front of her favorite uncle. She had a sweet smile on her face, twirling one of her long curls with her little fingers, a habit she picked up from her mother. Theo knew all of this, yet one look from that little girl and he was putty in her hands.

"Yes my love?" Theo smiled brightly, bending down to her level. "What can your favorite Uncle Theo do for you?"

"Uncle Theo," she started again with a giggle. "Can I help you pick your baby's name?" Theo's eyes widened and Pansy looked over with a snort, a knowing look on her face.

"Well little love, Charlie and I would love to have your input on a name," Theo said, treading the subject as easily as he could, causing Hermione to laugh as she held little Dahlia Zabini close in her arms.

"Give her an inch and she will take a mile Theo," Hermione warned him.

"The baby has to have a name that starts with the letter L," Lyra pointed out. "My name starts with an L, Luca's name starts with an L, and Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny let me pick their new baby's name. Lilly!"

"She does realize that the baby was named after Harry's mum right?" Blaise muttered and Hermione waved him off.

"Well sweetheart we will definitely consider that," Charlie chuckled. "We do know that we want to have his middle name be Arthur."

"After your father," Hermione smiled softly. "I think that is beautiful."

"He's been supportive of us since day one," Charlie nodded. "We wanted to honor that. Honor him."

"There are plenty of first names that start with an L that would fit well with the last name Weasley," Pansy pointed out and Theo shot her a glare.

"Mummy Arthur starts with an A right?" Lyra asked and Hermione nodded. "And Weasley starts with W?"

"Yes sweetheart, very good," she smiled before turning back and looking at Theo and Charlie. "They aren't wrong though. An L name would go well."

"It's law," Lyra smiled.

"A bit demanding there aren't we?" Blaise smirked, giving Luca another bite of his snack.

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