Chapter 14: The Hat Stall

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August 2016

"Little dragon relax," Draco said, holding his daughter's hand. "We have all the time we need. We just can't let your mother get distracted in Flourish and Blott's."

"Oh you hush," Hermione said, rolling her eyes as Draco and Lyra laughed.

Diagon Alley was packed with families taking their young ones to shops and preparing for their departure to Diagon Alley. It was the last place they wanted to be but it was a right of passage for any new Hogwarts student. As they walked through the crowded street, Draco was reminded of when he brought Lyra to Diagon Alley with Theo and Blaise when she was just a baby. He would never have guessed everything that had happened after that one decision. It brought his parents into Lyra's life. No one could have ever imagined how Lucius Malfoy would kneel to a little girl as precocious as Lyra Malfoy.

"Where to first hmm?" Draco asked, squeezing Lyra's hand. "You've decided to take Hercules with you yes? So we don't need a visit to the menagerie."

"Madam Malkin's and then Olivanders," Hermione said, smiling softly at her daughter. She watched as her daughter's beautiful chocolate eyes lit up at the mention of the wandmaker. Lyra had been ready for her own wand for years. She had patiently waited and now that the time was almost upon them, she could hardly contain her excitement.

"But mum I have my school robes already," Lyra said, pouting just enough to try and sway her mother's plan. "Can't we go to Ollivander's now? Please?"

"You want to go now?" Hermione asked, her mouth quirked up slightly in an amused smile.

"Are you sure little dragon?" Draco chuckled. "We can always get you more robes?"

"Daddy," Lyra groaned pulling on his hand.

"Ok, ok." Hermione chuckled. "Let's go to Ollivander's."

The trio made their way through the alley, smiling and nodding at people who said hello or acknowledged their presence. Hermione and Draco had decided that it was best to leave their other children at the manor with their grandparents. They wanted to have this special moment for just the three of them like it was in the beginning before a wedding and more children.

As they approached the shop entrance, Lyra was bouncing with excitement and Draco was watching her with a fond smile. Opening the door, Hermione ushered her in, closing it once they were all inside. "Lyra Malfoy," a voice rang out before the elder wandmaker stepped out from the back office with a smile on his face. "I've been expecting you little one."

"Me?" Lyra gasped, her eyes wide in wonder.

"Of course," Ollivander said immediately grabbing a few boxes from the shelves. Hermione nudged her forward towards them as the wizard studied her. Draco and Hermione both took a step back, grabbing onto each other's hand and squeezing tightly. "Such a rare gift, being an empath. With your gift, and the gifts your parents gave you... you will do extraordinary things."

Draco looked over at Hermione, his grey eyes boring into hers with a look of love burning in them. Their little girl was going to be extraordinary.

"Well go on," Ollivander said, handing her a wand. "Give it a try." As Lyra flicked her wand, the lanterns in the shop all went out. "No, not that one."

Setting the wand down carefully after he used magic to light up the shop again, Lyra looked nervous as she picked up the second wand. Per his instructions, she tried the wand again and a small fire started. "Definitely not," Ollivander said with a shake of his head. He reverently opened the box to the last wand on the counter and handed it to her. The moment the wand touched her hand, a warm feeling like a hug traveled through her body. Hermione and Draco watched as their daughter's magic danced around her. "That's the one. Hawthorne ten and a quarter inches with a dragon heartstring core."

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