Chapter 16: The Circle of Life

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May 2033

The room was filled with harmonious laughter when the curly-haired witch entered, a small smile resting on her face. She would never get tired of the feeling she got when she would step into Nott Manor and her family's laughter danced through the air. It was a feeling of comfort, of home.

"There she is," Draco smiled, walking over to his daughter and hugging her tightly.

"Hi dad," Lyra said, squeezing his tall frame before pulling back and smiling at him. The eldest daughter of the Malfoy family has grown into a beautiful woman over the years. Her soft, honey-colored curls spiraled down her back all the way down to her waist. She was still tiny in stature, but the depth of her chocolate brown eyes mesmerized anyone, just like her mother's.

"Merlin you get more beautiful every time I see you," Draco said, wrapping an arm around his shoulders as he led her through the house.

"You just saw me a few hours ago," Lyra laughed, the sound causing Draco's smile to widen.

"Still," he winked. "How has it been at work? Your grandfather tells me and your mother that you are the most ruthless solicitor he has ever encountered."

"Papa only says that because he enjoys watching me take on the Wizengamot," Lyra smirked. After she had graduated from Hogwarts, Lyra had trouble deciding which path she wanted to take. She could have followed in her mother's footsteps and worked at the Ministry or become a healer. Draco had offered to buy her a quidditch team or a spot on a quidditch team according to Blaise. Lyra was different though, she paved her own path with a fire that burned so bright everyone was in awe. She continued her studies, even going to a muggle law school. She became a solicitor, most of her cases having to do with magical creatures or pro bono cases that no one else would take on.

"Where's that husband of yours hmm?" Draco smirked.

"He will be here shortly," Lyra said, smiling as she spotted the recent Hogwarts graduates.

"LYRA!" Theodora squealed, rushing over, her blonde curls flowing behind her. The youngest female Malfoy hugged her sister tightly, the smile never leaving her face.

"Oh my baby sister," Lyra said dramatically hugging her tight. "Stop growing up. I can't handle it."

"Lyra," Theodora laughed and looked up at her. "You came."

"Of course, I came Thea," she smiled softly, smoothing her blond curls. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Of course, you wouldn't," Scorpius chuckled, walking up with Dahlia's hand clasped in his. "You know that I would be pissed off."

"Oh Scorpy," Lyra sighed, mussing his white-blonde hair. "My soon-to-be-famous little brother. What shall I call you when people ask me what it's like to have a Quidditch player as a brother?"

"That I've always been the greatest Quidditch player in the world," Scorpius smirked.

"Well that's not true," Teddy smirked walking up and Theodora's smile widened. "Hello, kitten."

"Hi," she said smiling and wrapping her arms around him.

"Does that ever get weird?" Lyra smirked. "Having similar names? Like... do you exactly mix up your names in bed?"

"Lyra Elizabeth!" Hermione scolded as she walked up.

"I'm just saying," she laughed and winked as Theodora stuck her tongue out at her.

"What did my wife do now?" Jamie chuckled as he walked up and slipped his arm around Lyra's waist, kissing the top of her head.

"Lyra was just asking if Theodora and Teddy mixed up each other's names in bed," Theo smirked, walking up and kissing Lyra on the cheek.

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