Chapter One

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I've been staring at my sleeping boyfriend for ten minutes. I've been staring at the pale planes of his chest, the nose I punched in fourth year. I rest my head on his bare shoulder, laying my arm across his beautiful, rippled stomach. He was always stronger than I was. But in the last two years since we discovered my family, I've become fitter and stronger, training with the Salisbury sword. My muscles are as defined as they were at Watford. It's strange to think that Watford was over four years ago. The last two years have been better than I could have ever imagined. Baz and I live in my flat full time now, and it has been made much more permanent with the fact that he has a key, pays part of the rent and has brought all of his things here. I got the job at the coffee shop about two months after discovering I was Lady Salisbury's grandson. I decided I needed to buck up and do something.

I quietly sit up, careful not to jostle Baz. I grab a shirt off of the floor, Baz's old football jersey, and pull it on over my back. It snags on my wing stumps, which are almost unnoticeable and are completely healed now, but I don't feel anything when it does. I'm just in his shirt and boxers, but that's a common sight here on a Saturday. That's how all of our Saturdays are. Coffee and boxers. Four years ago I would never have thought we would be here. Here being, about to propose. Or at least, trying to figure out if we are there. I make my way to the kitchen, stopping to piss on the way. I start brewing a pot of coffee, and look through the pantry for my box of scones that Baz bought me from my favourite bakery down the street. "Thanks for waking me up Snow." Baz grunts, walking in, in one of my Star Wars shirts. "Good morning love." I murmur walking over to give him a kiss. He smiles and walks over to the coffee machine. "We need a new coffee machine." He says, grabbing a mug out of a cabinet. "I know we need to get a new one. Hey, do you know where you put that box of scones?" I ask, rummaging through the pantry, struggling to find my scones. My sour cherry scones. He knows they are my favourite, so he got them for me, for my birthday. "Babe..." he whispers walking up behind me to hug me. I turn to look at him. "What?" I ask, raising my eyebrow in query. "I put them on the table last night. I even said I would." He laughs breathily, going back to his coffee. I chuckle and grab two scones, buttering them generously. I set them on some plates and put them each on a plate. Baz practically empties the sugar container into his coffee. "That is disgusting." I say, pouring my own coffee, adding only a small amount of milk to it. He laughs, tipping his head back, sounding like some sort of god. Somehow, after dating me for four and a half years, he hasn't grown tired of me. He hasn't lost love for me. He's held true to that promise he's made to me, that he'll never stop loving me, wanting me. He still looks like a god, sounds like a god. And he's still mine. After two years of this he's still mine.

We sit down at the table, which we bought three months into living together, and have our breakfast. We discuss our coming five year anniversary, and talk about our friends. Penny and Shepard are getting married this next spring. Agatha and Niamh have been officially dating for one and a half years. Baz and I were so glad to hear. They make the sweetest couple. "Penny wants me to go dress shopping with her in a couple days." I look up at him, smiling.

"That's brilliant! Which day?"

"On Tuesday. We're going to get lunch too."

"Sounds lovely!" Baz smiles up at me, his soft smile that he saves just for me. "I love you." I whisper, kissing him and standing up to put away my dishes. "I love you too." He says, doing the same thing. I walk over to the washroom to have a shower, grabbing a towel from the closet and a spare set of clothes from the bedroom. 

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