Poor Baby

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After I finish tucking the groceries away, I pick up a book off of the bookshelf beside the television. I sit down on the couch and dive in, enjoying the story that I've read over a hundred times. These two guys are soulmates in a school for magic. Just like Simon and I. They get into insane mishaps, fight, and almost die. It's honestly just like Simon and I. They fall in love and spend their lives together. Or they would if they didn't die before they got the chance. Classic Romeo and Juliet. Written by this author who goes by Sunkissed Strawberry. I love it. The author does an amazing job capturing the characters. She is my favourite author ever. I have been trying to get my hands on the sequel for weeks. It's sold out everywhere. Simon sits down beside me with a box that has a big green bow on it. "It's not Christmas Snow, what's the occasion?" He's smiling at me like he just saw the sun, and I couldn't be happier to see him so happy. "This is just a pre-anniversary, I love you gift." He hands the box to me smiling, and I take it gingerly from him. I pull the bow slowly, lifting the box lid up even slower. I raise my eyebrow up at him and he nods eagerly at me. I move the top piece of tissue paper and look up at Simon exasperated. "A bow, a box, tissue paper and wrapping paper? Do you actually want me to know what it is?" "Yes, now open it, love." He's smiling at me softly, the soft smile he saves just for me. I pick up the thing wrapped in the paper and finally rip the paper off. "Oh my god. Simon. You didn't. How did you find it? I've been looking for it for months." I kiss him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He found the sequel to that book by Mayflower. "I saw it when we were shopping. You were busy looking at champagne, so I swiped it, paid and tucked it in a bag of stuff we'd already bought." He smiles and I kiss him again, harder this time. "You are the very best." I mumble against his lips, hugging him. I pull back and immediately start reading the back quietly to myself. Remus Lupin is dead. He died in the battle of Hogwarts, along with many others. He finds himself in Godrick's Hollow, alone. Something has brought him here, and he truly believes it was his lost lover Sirius Black. But upon finding his true love, he discovers something much more sinister is going on here in the Afterlife. I love this mini series. It is so good. Mayflower anonymously stated that there would be a third, and I can't wait. I immediately dive into the story, letting the rest of the world fade away.


I'm so glad that Baz loves his gift. I saw it and grabbed it when he wasn't looking. And now he can't tear his eyes away from it. It's been two hours. I decide to call Penelope to pass the time. It rings twice and then she picks it up.

Hey Si! What's up?

"I got Baz a new book and now he's ignoring my very existence."

Aww. Poor baby isn't getting any attention, after willingly giving it away by buying that book

"I'm not a 'poor baby' Pen. And I knew how happy he would be when he got it. I knew nothing could have made him happier by doing that."

You're telling me that you didn't realize he would forget you exist when you handed it to him. And that is not the thing that would make him happiest. And you know it.

"No I did not realize that."

You've got to be kidding. One second Simon. She covers the microphone briefly.

I'm on the phone with Simon. What do you need?

Shepard is talking into the phone now.

Hey Simon!

Hi Shepard.

I need to steal Penny away from the phone. I'm so sorry. We have to do a couple more wedding things today.

That's fine Shepard. Go have fun.

Thank you so much Simon! Bye!



Baz wraps his arms around me from behind, hugging me and kissing my neck. "As much as I am enjoying this, what's up? I thought you were reading?" "I was, but I heard your conversation and I felt bad." I frown. "Don't feel bad about enjoying your gift, love." He kisses my neck again. "I don't want you to think I'm ignoring you." I smile up at him. Up. Always up. Three inches. "I was being extra. Please, go enjoy yourself." He smiles again and then pulls me over to the couch beside him. He cuddles into me and continues reading. 


okay so it's been a while, but I've been super busy with school and stuff. I've got a story in the works and I hope anyone reading this goes and checks it out :)

_Sunkissed Author_

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