The Question

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Niamh is moving the last box into the flat. I walk over and kiss her, wrapping my arms around her neck. "Can I finish bringing the box in, so I can have my arms free." She asks, smiling against my mouth. "I'll do you one more." I grab the box and dash off to our room, placing it in the closet. Niamh isn't far behind, laughing. I turn around and look at her. "There. Now you have no excuses." And then I kiss her again, and she wraps her arms around my waist, lifting me into the air. I laugh into her neck, my legs kicking up. "Be careful." I shriek, slapping her in the shoulder. "I'm nothing but careful when I'm with you, love." She sets me down gently, and I smile up at her. Her hair has grown in a bit, so it's around chin-length now. I twirl my fingers through it, admiring its contrast to my short blonde hair. I got it cut to my shoulders a couple days ago, and she loves it. "I love you."I whisper, smiling up at her shyly. "I love you too." She whispers back, a grin on her face. I kiss her again, and then I open one of the boxes in our room.

It's a clothing box, and everything is already folded, so I start putting them in drawers. Niamh follows suit, starting to hang up some of the fancier clothes in protective bags. An hour later, my phone rings. I look at the caller ID. "Penelope? I wonder what she wants." I pick up the phone.

Hey Agatha!

"Hey Penny! What do you need?"

Will you meet me at Regents Park in a couple hours?

I look over at Niamh, and she nods, smiling.

"Sure Penny! What time?"

Does 3:30 work for you?

I nod and then realize she can't see me.

"Yea that works wonderfully."

I smile and say goodbye.


I arrive at Regents Park twenty minutes early, so I walk around and admire the statues. I check my watch repeatedly until I see Agatha walking up to me. I wave and run over, crushing her in a hug. "Hi Agatha!" She smiles at me, laughing. "Hi Penny! What did you want to meet me here for?" I smile, looking her dead in the eye. "Agatha, will you be my maid of honour? I know that before, we weren't really friends but I feel like we have gotten to know each other and become closer. You're the only person I want for this." She looks surprised, and I start to worry. Suddenly she throws her arms around me, laughing. "Of course Penny! I'd be so happy to!" We're smiling and laughing together as we walk around the park and talk about the wedding plans. "Oh! And will you come dress shopping with Simon and I on Saturday?" She smiles and nods before calling Niamh to pick her up. "Niamh and I have to unpack a bunch of stuff so I have to pop off but I can't wait to help you with shopping. 


okay so this is a short one because I'm still insanely busy. I promise there will be an actually long one sometime soon!

_sunkissed author_

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