So, we bent the truth a bit

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I thought I could wait until after dress shopping to buy the ring, but I decide to come up with an excuse and go buy it. So I do exactly that and am back in thirty minutes. "So what were you doing?"Simon is leaning against the counter trying to be nonchalant. I raise my eyebrow up at him as I walk inside. "I was just dropping something off at Penny's place. You can call her and ask if you want." I had called Penny ahead of time to tell her my plans, and she was ecstatic and willing to comply with my ploys to disguise the truth until dinner. "No, I trust you, love." I smile and plant a kiss on his cheek, and then grab my book to go read on the bed. I slip the beautiful ring box into the corner of my closet and lay down on the bed and read. I think about the ring absently, the golden band, with the small diamond in the middle, and indents around it, making it look like a little sun. Because he is my sun, and my whole world revolves around him.


Baz is being weird about his random disappearance, but I don't want to push it. So I let him disappear to the room to read, because I plan on making him dinner. I start up the stove and grab two pans and a pot. I boil some water in the pot and throw oil in one pan and butter in the other. I open the fridge and grab the package of steaks to place on the pan. I continue making our perfect steak dinner, all the while setting the table. Soon everything is ready, and Baz has not left the room in two hours. Another two hours. I get the plates all ready, and head down the hall to see Baz. I knock on the door and hear a quiet "Come in." I open the door and step in, closing the door behind me. I sit down at the end of the bed and stare at Baz lovingly. One day I will be able to look at him and say 'That's my husband' instead of 'that's my boyfriend'. Baz looks up at me and smiles, sliding along the bed to give me a kiss. "What is that fantastic smell?" I smile at him and kiss his cheek. I look down at his pants. "I love those jeans. But I'm afraid that you'll need to put on something much fancier for what I have planned." I kiss his cheek and grab a suit from the closet. I dash off to the bathroom to change and then go adjust our lighting for our romantic dinner. 

hey, another chapter is finally out, hopefully I'll get to put out some more stuff, sorry it's so short!

_sunkissed author_

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