Chapter 1

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"If you believe, anything is possible."

I woke up to one of my favorite songs and alarm, "Break". I love the song, but in the mornings, it is pure torture. I am one of those people who is a night person. NOT a morning one. After a while of lying around, I got up and started to get ready for school. I got to the bathroom, and washed my face with my favorite face wash: Watermelon Berry Burst. This is actually difficult for me, to put cold water in my face at 6 am in the morning but well. I do it anyways. After that, I combed my long dark brown hair and tried to style it. Then I put on mascara, blush and bronzer. After that I took a look at myself in the mirror. My big blue eyes, my long lashes, and my dark hair with curled ends. It's always the same old routine. I always wake up, hoping this day would be different. And today, it kind of was.

I got out of the bathroom and enter my closet. It's not very big, but all of my clothes fit perfectly. I always pick out my clothes the night before, so I have an outfit all ready to use. I put on dark wash skinny jeans, a nice plain cream short sleeve blouse, my Tiffany necklace my grandma gave me and a mint sweater. Then I put on my favourite sneakers, my pearl earrings and my favourite perfume "Night Mystery" and rush down to eat breakfast.

My house is actually a penthouse, where the 1st room (kitchen, living room, dining room, studio) is in the 21 floor of a tall building. The upper floor is where my room is, as well as my parent's and my sister's.

After that, I ate my usual cereal and fruit juice, brushed my teeth, and checked that my school bag was ready (It never was). Then I yelled goodbye to my mum and dad, who were usually eating at this time, and rushed to the school bus. See my life is always like this, pretty ordinary, zero special.

On the bus, I said hello to my friend Alex, who as usual has saved a seat for me, since she gets on a lot earlier than I do. We talked about the usual stuff, as homework, guys, and dance class, since we are in the same one. Then, it always comes a moment where we run out of things to talk about and we just keep silent.

I am not going to lie, I kind of enjoy these moments. They gave me time to think. I live in New York City, and in September it is quite chilly. I love to see the streets all cloudy and people walking by with big jackets and mittens. Winter is my favorite season though. Snow, Christmas trees... A fact about me is that I do not get cold easily, that why I don't need any of this cold clothing stuff. Alex, on the other hand is always wearing mittens. Today, she had got her straight light brown hair in a ponytail, blue mittens, blue jacket and light wash jeans. She did not really fuss about her appearance as much as I did. She was a child at heart.

We finally got to school and I went to my tutor group. My school is called High Pines New York School, and it is located near Central Park, where my friends and I go a lot after school. In tutor, we talk about upcoming school activities and try to be nice with kids that are not your age. In my tutor we had 3 kids per school year starting in 6th, all the way to 12th. It's a lot!! Before I knew it, the bell rings and all of my classmates or tutor mates if you want to get literal, started rushing in. After a while, my friend Nicholas walked in and we started talking until Ms. Lodge, my tutor, came in.

Just so you know, my tutor is really scary. She has got this face that looks like she is in pain all the time. And she hates everybody. Including me. She told us about this university fair we are having and how we should go.

After tutor I went to my usual classes, where all I did was hope they were over soon. And when the break bell rings, I am a very, very happy girl. I am a good student don't take me wrong it's just sometimes, I get so bored. Today, I got to break real fast, because I was starving. As I got my lunch out, my friends started arriving. Ana, Constance and Alex, my best friends with whom I love to be with and we have lots of fun together. Constance has a boyfriend, Ana is in the hating guys stage after a breakup, and Alex says boys are just stupid. I had a boyfriend a few months ago, but I am totally over the breakup. He cheated on me. That is why I am definitely over it.

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