Chapter 2

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"If you put your mind to something, and work hard for it, your dreams will come true. "

Next day at school, we were all buzzing with excitement of last night's episode. We passed notes all morning, and on break it was all we could talk about.

- Can you believe Jack is actually Marc?

- What?

- You know, like twins.

- Oh yeah!

- Jared is so cute though!

- Not anymore! He is actually getting handsome.

I listened in until I could not resist it anymore.

- Hey how about Colin? – I said. – The guy that took Jared?

- Oh my god!! – said Mia. – I totally forgot. He is hot.

- No he is not. – Alex said.

- Yes he is. – Ana and Constance said.

- Yeah I think he is. – I said.

- Does anybody know his name? – someone asked.

- Andrew Griffin. – I respond.

- Cool. How did you know that? – Ana asked.

- I um... saw it at the credits. – I lied.

- Oh.

The bell rang and I realized I only ate half a granola bar. I gobble the other half as I gather my things. I guess today's bus ride home will be extremely painful.

The rest of the day passed quickly. (the bus ride home WAS very painful) I went to the gym, did some homework and ate dinner. After that, I went to my room and went in my computer. I checked Instagram, my YouTube subscriptions and put some music on. Since I had nothing to do, I decided to paint my nails. I picked up my favorite classic red nail polish and painted them as I checked Twitter. I then realize I should totally check Andrew Griffin's accounts. So I got onto his account and I made my mind that I would get him to tweet me.

I was sure it will be hard, but I am a very determined person. So I changed my account name to Andrew G Fan and started following similar fan accounts. At first, I tweeted to Andrew randomly like 50 iomes in a minute. But then I realized how annoying that was, and how if he is not on, he will probably not even see them. So I closed my computer because it was late, and went to sleep.

While trying to sleep I devised a plan to refresh my twitter feed all day, so seconds after he posted something, I could tweet to him and most likely he would see it. As I wondered what to tweet him I fell deeply asleep.

. . .

The days pass. I am refreshing twitter every minute or so. I don't think that is actually healthy. I catch Andrew online three or four times but he never responds. If it even is him.

On a Thursday morning I woke up to check twitter and post my 450 tweet in 5 days. That is actually a heck of a lot of tweets, and I am beginning to grow impatient. After I do that, I check Andrew's account and find out last night, he responded to sort of 15 fans. I don't know If I was already feeling down that day, or it was just a weird reaction of my body's, because I started to cry. Literally. And a lot. When I finished crying I saw it was really late and my head hurt. So I got dressed real fast and went tell my mom I feel really bad, hoping she would let me stay home from school, because when I am emotional, misspelling a word literally kills me.

I asked my mom, but she didn't budge. That is my mom. I go to school every day, unless I am dying.

So I got on the bus, and tried to put on a brave face. All day I was moody and was convinced, that I was actually sick.

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