Chapter 7

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"It is not the stars that hold our destiny, but ourselves."

We got to the audition parking lot and Andrew and I parted away from the crowd, that was talking about flies. Literally. Flies.

- So... - he said.

- So. – I replied.

- I really liked hanging out with you today.

I smiled.

- Me too.

He smiled back. This was becoming such a habit.

- You know, maybe, then, I don't know...

Was Andrew Griffin nervous?

- What? – I said.

- Well, maybe you would like, like maybe to go to the movies with me tomorrow night?

Oh My God. Andrew was asking me out on a date. And he was nervous. What was happening??? I thought of pinching myself, but come on. I had done that plenty already. This was real.

I smiled. I couldn't resist, I mean come on.

- I would love to.

Andrew smiled and we ended up laughing.

- Pick you up at 6:00?

- Great.

- What would you like to see?

- You decide. – I said teasingly.

- Seriously? I am bad at that.

- I doubt it. – I said.

- See you tomorrow then.

- Yeah. See you tomorrow.

I then said goodbye to his parents, and we got into the car.

My parents started chatting away about how Andrews parents were very nice people, and thought very similar to them, ad how the food had been so good in the cafeteria. They were always like this. Talking about the same thing, over and over but with different wording. Paula finally got around to asking me about Andrew.

- Do you guys like each other?

- No.

- Yes you do!!

This wasn't exactly the type of conversation I wanted to have with my sister. My sister and I never really talked about this stuff, because as I said before, I am used not to talk. I just don't trust the talking, all because of this 'Friend' I had had on middle school. This girl called Jules, I talked all of my problems with, because we were best friends. Or I thought we were. And all she did was make me feel worse, with comments like, get over it, or nobody cares. She was always trying to get me down. And after that, she went on and gossiped about it with others.

She really hurt me. And after that I learned not to say much. Not to any stranger. And also to keep my guard up. No one will hurt me like she did again.

- Come on Wendy. – My dad said teasingly. – Tell us.

- Well.... we are going to the movies tomorrow night.

I had to say it. It was going to happen anyways. They need to know. I knew my dad was going to explode.

- What?!


- Well yeah. Not too late, just to you know, get to know each other.

- A date. – Paula pointed out.

- No. – I said, just because I knew the word date scared my father more than just going out.

- It's okay. – my mother said, and I could feel her smile. – They are good people.

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