Chapter 11

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The dream started. Again. This time I knew what the voices where saying. All about Ana, and all about Henry's text dilemma. A voice also said something about Andrew and the movie. But, the voices didn't come to conclusions. They only told me what I already knew, not what I wanted to know. They spoke in murmurs, and twisted images, showing Henry and Ana at the same time, In a movie scene. Ancore Success references appeared as well, in twisted ways. And then, the dream changed. It stopped. I was now watching from above. Two little girls were playing on a park, one blonde, one brunette, and were talking.

- You are my best friend.

- And you are mine!

- Forever right??

- Forever!

The girls laughed and ran around the park.

- You know; I think you will be very happy when you are big. And you will have a good life. – said the blonde one.

- You too!

- I suppose so. But we will see.

The brunette girl looked confused.

A younger boy came running and told them something I couldn't quite catch. They laughed and they played together, innocent, free, and happy.

An even littler girl and an older boy came by.

- Mom says you three need to come home now! – they boy said.

The little girl just smiled. She was too little to speak. And then they left.

The two initial girls laughed and danced around in the park and while they did, their faces changed. They grew up. And then I realized... I was the little brunette girl... and Ana was the blonde one.

I woke up quickly and starving. Don't ask me why. The dream had been extremely weird, but I didn't stress too much about it. Ana would have her good life. I was sure of it. And the little, boy, (who I assumed was Henry,) just made me feel happy about the dream. All of us together, and okay.

The week passed by quickly. Every day, I talked to Ana, spent time with Andrew and practiced movie scenes. Every day I gained more followers in my social media, and I ended up getting a manager, who sorted out my social media like I was a celebrity, so Twitter and Instagram verified my account. It was insane.

I also got to know a lot more people from the cast and crew, including Joan Mills, one of my favorite actresses ever, and I found out she was actually my mom on the movie. She actually hates me in the movie, but she is in the governments bad side. Something like that.

The day finally came in which all the main cast will go to El Capitan Theater and answer interviews, meet fans, and then go to an after party with other celebrities. A pretty normal day right? I was very excited, but very nervous. What if everybody hated me? What if I messed up, badly? But I was also really excited, for interviews, seeing Andrew again, and getting ready for the event.

Of course, I was sent a professional to do my makeup hair, and she brought my outfit. It was surreal.

The thing is you didn't get to decide how you went, and that sort of scared me. But she did a great job. It was sort of a formal event, so she got me a long red dress, with off the shoulder thin sleeves and a flared diamond bottom. It was gorgeous.

The girl who helped me, named Margaret, was really good at her job. The dress fitted perfectly. She helped me curl my hair, and make a perfect half up half down twisted hair-do, and she put on LOTS of makeup. More than my mom approved of I am sure. But at the end, I felt perfect. 

After we were done, a limousine came to pick us up, with Lacey already on it.

Lacey and I complimented each other, and at least my compliment was truthful. She was wearing a long, tight waist flared button lilac dress and had her hair up in a high but perfectly messy bun. We spent the way talking about the movie and this event. Lacey had been in a movie before but obviously I wasn't. So she sorts of explained the procedure, which was actually very simple. Meet fans, have interviews, more fan interaction, after party. Got it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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