Chapter 3

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"If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams, and you will always look lovely."

My calendar was my best friend in the next month. I counted the days to the day I could finally get out of my boring life. Today, I finally was exited. There were only 3 days left to the trip to Los Angeles. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

On Friday, "Ancore Success" episode 2 premiered, and I could not wait. And on Saturday I had a sleepover with Ana, Constance and Alex, as a good luck charm. We always have done that. Anytime someone of us has something big happening in her life, we organized a good luck sleepover. This Saturday, it was on Ana's house.

Ana's house is a 'special' place, I guess you could call it because she has two gorgeous older brothers. Literally. They are Oliver and Tobias. And even though we have known them for years now, and they know Alex and I like sisters, it is still mind blowing to be with them you know? I mean they as they are older and everything. Ana always says they are ugly, but we all know it's because they are siblings, not because it's true.

On Thursday evening, I spent the day doing homework and practicing the script for like the 100 time. After a while, my head started throbbing and I lay in my bed and listened to music. As I did, I started to think about Andrew Griffin. I had not thought about Andrew in a long time, thanks to the audition and everything, but I now figured out I still couldn't get him out of my head. I got up and decided it was better to distract myself, so I picked up the book the movie is based in and started to read it. I read all afternoon and by nighttime, I had finished the entire book.

Next day, at school, everyone was asking me about my trip, and the movie, again. But this time I had answers. The book was so beautiful. It was one of those stories with mystery, love, and comedy all in one. But the real and big mystery was not noticeable until the end. It was sort of mind blowing, the plot twist.

I probably had to tell the story about 10 times on school that day. And on drama, my drama teacher allowed me to do one more practice, pretending it was the actual audition.

After reading the scene in the book, I was actually a lot more confident than other times. Since the book is told from 'my' perspective, I now know with more detail what Emma (my possible character) is feeling.

I did it with so much understanding, that I finally got out the tears needed in a part of the scene. My friends congratulated me, as well as my teacher, Mr. Hopson. And I actually felt happy. I felt great. I am Wendy Young, ready to take on the world.

That night, on the second episode, I kept my eye out for Andrew. And he is in the complete episode. I am guessing he is an important villain in the story. He is so perfect. And just like that, the obsession returns.

- Wendy!

I had zoned out. Paula was looking at me expectantly.

- Yeah?

- The episode is over and I asked you if you thought Jared was handsome.

- Oh. Sure he is. I suppose.

Paula looked at me like I was a creep. And maybe I was.

I got up and call Constance.

- Hello? – she picked up.

- Constance! - I said.

- Wendy! What's up?

- I think I am obsessed. – I told her.

- Huh?

- With Andrew.

- OMG! – she screamed. I then heard she had dropped something. – me too! He is so gorgeous.

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