Chapter 6

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"We can't control all in life, but what we can do is look ahead and dictate where we go next."

Explaining Andrew to my sister was hard because she got jealous, and denied what I was saying was true. She then started screaming and throwing a ridiculous tantrum. She also said repeatedly the word impossible. Again and again.

Explaining it to my dad was even harder because he didn't want me being with a) a celebrity and b) a boy two years older than me. (actually one and seven months but okay.) He had always denied me with any boy, so it didn't really matter. He was just so over protective. But I guess that's what dad's are for. And besides, we weren't even together. I mean, Andrew could never like me for real. I thought of telling him how he had defended me in the party, but it would be another complicated conversation about the drunk guy.

The morning of the audition, I got up early, had a big breakfast (courtesy of my mom, because I really had not wanted to eat because my stomach felt clenched, but she insisted I needed my energy) took a shower, put on my audition outfit, put the same makeup as the party but with lighter eye shadow this time, and put my hair into half-ponytail with braids, and curled the ends again. Since my hair was straight, this looked really good today.

We all got into the car and drove to the audition sites. The while ride I practiced the scene with my sister. And I could not stop fidgeting with Ana's necklace meanwhile. It had become a habit.

When we got to the audition, my family had to stay in the waiting room while I did the audition. They wished me luck.

- You will be amazing. – My mom said. - And if they don't choose you they are idiots. Okay?

- Yeha. Remember it is just an audition. – My dad said.

- You better get the part. – My sister added.

I nodded and entered the doors.

First, a guy asked me for my name and sent me through door B. There, a lady did my makeup again, but now full with foundation and highlighter and stuff. I had to admit I did look better. After that, they curled my hair again. They did this in a room full of girls, I suppose auditioning for Maria as well. It was a lot of competition.

After that, they sent me to a waiting room. I was there for a long while, feeling nervous at the maximum. Then they called my name and I entered the room that would change my life forever.

- Name?

- Wendy Young.

- Age?

- Seventeen.

- You look older.

- I get that a lot.

They all nodded.

- Okay. Let's begin. This audition is just dialogue no physical contact.

I took a deep breath. And got into character 100%.

The casting director started.

- Maria, are we going to die? - they said.

- No Jake. We will be fine.

- But mom and dad will not. Will we have to say goodbye to them?

- Of course not Jake!

- Will we be a family no more?

- We will always be a family. I promise.

- Come on, I am old enough to understand. I can't keep running without knowing.

- This society is hiding technology from us. And I know that. So does Peter. They...

- What?

- They are out to kill us.

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