Joining Fairytail

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A/N: Picture is what Rachael looks like. If your name is Rachael then your sisters name is Jadda.

Two dragon slayer wizards walked down the street to their destination. The guild Fairytail. The oldest Rachael watched as the youngest (y/) looked through the windows of the stores they pasted as they walked. They then reach the guild and open the doors, Rachael ducked as a cup flew past her head, (y/n) hid behind her older sister. The young (h/c)ette looked around the guild as her and the blonde girl walked up to the bar and talked to a white headed girl smiling kindly at the two sisters.
"Hello I'm Mirajane, but you can call me Mira. What can I do for you?" The white haired girl asked.
"WORLD DOMINATION!!!!" (Y/n) screamed, Rachael just looked at the small girl weirdly.
"I'm so sorry shes a bit odd." Rachael sweat-dropped.
"Oh its no trouble at all." Mira smiled.
"Okay so um wheres your guild master?" Rachael asked looking around.
"He's up there in his office." Mira said pointing to a door at the top of the stairs.
"Thanks." Rachael said her face as stoic as ever.
"I WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!" (Y/n) yelled, Rachael then punched her on the head knocking her out. Rachael dragged her to the master's office apologizing profoundly.
A knock emitted at the door of the old master's office.
"Come in." Rachael came in with a now awake (y/n).
"Hello my children. What can I do for you?" Master asked.
"DADDY!!" (Y/n) yelled and jumped onto the poor old man and knocked him over.
"(Y/n)! Off!" Yelled Rachael as she pried the girl off the little man, "sorry about her, she hasn't left the cave... ever." She explained the the master, he gave the girls a confused, and shocked face.
"We would like to join your guild." (Y/n) said trying to be calm, the master looked at the two girls.
"Go down to see Mirajane to get your stamps." The master said.
"Thank you." Rachael said as she walked out the door with (y/n) in tow.
They got to the bar where Mirajane was.
"Mira, the master told us to come down to get our guild marks." Rachael told the white haired barmaid.
"Okay girls where and what colour?" Mira asked holding the stamp in her hand.
"On my neck and yellow." Said Rachael, Mira put the stamp where Rachael told her then took it off, but instead of the symbol being yellow like she asked the mark came out a dark midnight blue.
"Hmm thats weird, its never done that before." Mira said her eyes going wide.
"Why? What happened?" Rachael asked in a deadpan voice.
"Your mark came out blue." Mira explained confused as to what was going on as she gave Rachael a mirror so she could see herself.
"Oh well as long as I got the guild mark I'm not complaining." Rachael shrugged. Mira then turned to (y/n).
"On my (body part), and (f/c)!" (Y/n) squealed, Mira stamped the mark on (y/n) and removed it, it was (f/c) just like (y/n) asked.
"Thanks Mira!" (Y/n) thanked as Rachael walked away.
Rachael sat at one of the guilds' booths with (y/n) when she smelt three more dragon slayers coming their way.
"There are three dragon slayers coming." (Y/n) whispered.
"I know." Muttered Rachael.
"Alright there are two more dragon slayers added to the family. I'm Natsu, thats Gajeel and Wendy." Said the fire dragon slayer Natsu.
"I'm Rachael, and the one hugging Wendy is (y/n)." Rachael deadpanned.
"Awww can we keep her Rachael?" Asked (y/n).
"(Y/n) sweetie let go of the poor child." Rachael sweat-dropped.
"H-help!" The little sky dragon slayer squeaked out.
"Oh, okay."(y/n) pouted.
"I'm so sorry this is like the first time talking to other people that aren't dragons."Rachael apologizes with a sweat-drop to Wendy.
"Oh no its no problem." Wendy said waving her hands in the air.
"Alright then. Anyway what can I do for ya?" Rachael asked as (y/n) was eating animal crackers beside her.
"We were wondering if you'd like to join Team Natsu!?" Natsu exclaimed grinning madly with a slight blush as he looked at (y/n).
"Sorry but we're just going to be a team of two." Rachael explained as (y/n) started to put tiny braids in her sister's long wavy hair, giggling every so often.
"Thats fine." Wendy smiled then walked away back to the rest of her group with a pouting Natsu, Gajeel was still standing in front of the two sisters.
"Do you need anything Gaj?" Rachael asked turning to the iron dragon slayer. Gajeel blushed at the nickname that Rachael had just given him.
"Uhh I-I was just wondering if you two h-had a place to stay while your here?" Gajeel said scratching the back of his neck.
"No we don't we were just gonna look for a cave to stay in tonight." Rachael explained.
"Well if you would like y-you could... you know stay at m-my house till you find a house to live in, I h-have a spare guest room in my a-apartment." Gajeel suggested blushing even more.
'Awe is he blushing. His face is redder then those beautiful eyes of his. WAIT! WHAT?! Bad Rachael you can't think like that not after what HE did to you, and you have Jadda to look after. You don't have time for boys, but I guess one night wont hurt anyone, and he did go through the trouble to come over and asked you.' Rachael thought to herself.
"Okay thanks Gaj we'll take you up on your offer." Rachael said never breaking its stoic form.
"Really?!" Gajeel asked, Rachael nodded.
"Uhh, okay then just tell me when you would like to go." Gajeel said then walked back over to a black and while cat in pants.
"You like him don't you big sis?" (Y/n) asked in her cute voice.
"I don't have time for boys, and he was just being nice to us." Rachael said bluntly. (Y/n) pouted at what her sister just said. To (y/n), Rachael was her everything, Rachael was always there to protect her from dark guilds that wanted to harvest their dragon slaying magic from their bodies, or even from the stupidest nightmares, she was always there to make them go away as she rocked her back to sleep in her arms. (Y/n) thought Rachael was beautiful, even if Rachael never smiled anymore. (Y/n) knew what happened to her sister four years ago. She was beaten and raped by a dark guild member that tried to get Rachael to bare his child so he could have a fourth generation dragon slayer child. (Y/n) was too young to get pregnant because she was only ten. (Y/n) will always think it's her fault for what happened to Rachael, all because she didn't listen to what Rachael told her. It was a simple 'don't talk to strangers.'

*Flashback four years ago ((y/n) POV)*

"Rachael can I go pick flowers?" I asked my big sister with my best puppy dog eyes possible.
Rachael laughed and nodded, a smile on her face.
"Sure sweetie just remember what I told you." Rachael replied.
"I know, don't talk to strangers, and if i see a suspicious person scream for help. Can I go now?" I asked impatiently.
"Go ahead slugger." She smiled and I ran to the meadow closest to the cave, not knowing mine and Rachael's life, especially Rachael's would change forever, and I would never she her beautiful smile, or her charming laugh for a very long time.
After about ten minuets of flower picking I sensed someone coming closer to me.
"Hello little one." A man said coming out into the meadow.
'He doesn't look bad. Maybe he knows where mommy Gaia, and daddy Vinarth are?' I thought, and thats when I broke the only rule my sister has ever gave me.
"Hi! Do you know where my mommy and daddy dragons are mister?" I asked the man as his eyes went wide.
Then he asked, "(y/n) where is your sister?" Not thinking into what he asked me I answered.
"She at the cave over there." I said pointing to the cave we lived in.
"Shes not gonna come out is she?" The man asked.
I then began to piece things together and my eyes went wide, the man noticed I knew what was going on and smirked.
"RACHAEL!" I screamed and the next thing I knew Rachael was standing in front of me, snarling at the man. Neither one of us noticed the other man come up from behind us until he grabbed me.
"(Y/n)!" Rachael screamed getting ready to attack, when the first man grabbed ahold of her, "let her go!"
"Boss we only really need the older one, shes much more powerful and could provide a powerful dragon slayer child." The man holding me said, "and she looks like shes got a great body to have fun with." The man chuckled evilly.
"No! Leave Rachael alone!" I yelled then everything went black.

When I woke up I was in a dark room I didn't recognize and I started to cry.
"(Y/n)?!" I heard a familiar voice speak.
"Big sis?" I croak out.
"Oh thank god your okay." I heard the relief in her voice when she said that.
"I'm sorry this is all my fault, I should have just listened to you." I cried even more. I heard chains moving then felt warm arms around my body, imedietly I recognized the scent of roses and bluebells and threw my arms around Rachael.
The door then opened with a creek and the man from earlier walked in.
"Well, well, well, your finally awake I see. Just in time to watch your beloved sister be beaten in front of your eyes." The man then ripped my big sister out of my arms.
"Rachael!" I screamed, trying to reach for her but the chains wouldn't allow me to.
"It's alright peanut, just close your eyes and it'll all be over when I say open." Rachael said smiling for the last time.
He began to whip, cut, and... and... rape her, she conceived a child that night. We were sent back to our room or more like cell. Over time the child began to grow in my sister's stomach, the ninth month came around and it was time for Rachael to give birth to HIS child, all you could hear then was Rachael's cries of pain and the doctors shouts for her to calm down and push. Around two hours later she gave birth to a baby boy that had her blonde hair and multi coloured blue and brown eyes. That night she snuck me and her out, she didn't bother to grab the baby because she hated it for being HIS child.
Rachael thinks I don't remember any of it, but something that horrible can NEVER be forgotten ever, Rachael was never the same again.

A/N: So how was this chapter I'm sorry if the characters are too OOC. Comment if I should continue or if the chapter was a flop and I should quit now. Also comment on what I should improve on. And comment what kind of events should happen so far all I have is a wedding (not sure who's yet) and mating season, so ya comment what events should take place. thanks have a great day my fairies peace out ✌️

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