The wedding

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A/N: Picture is Rachael's wedding outfit.

"*Sniff* It must be pretty pathetic for me to be jealous of a damn cat." Rachael mumbled to herself while crying.

"Rachael?" She heard a familiar voice behind her, she turned around, and there stood the one person who she wanted to see the most at the moment... Gildarts.

"Daddy..." Rachael cried harder as she ran into her father's arms

"I know baby girl. I know. I'm sorry for leaving you." Gildarts hugged Rachael close.

"Its okay." Rachael mumbled into her father's chest still hugging him tightly.

"Tell me what the matter is." Gildarts said.

"I... I got jealous of Casper." Rachael said.

"Huh? Why?" Her father asked.

"Because of the way Rogue fed him, and the way he was babied by everyone. Vinarth never babied me and he never once told me he loved me, he made me get my own food and feed myself. All I did was train everyday to toughen up. Even after Gaia and (Y/n) came along he never said those words to me, he said them to Gaia and (y/n), but never me. I never got praised when I did something good or right he just nodded then walked away, which I guess is his way of congratulating me, but words would have been nice as well. the only person that really talked to me was (y/n), but other then that I was entirely alone. So many times I trained myself to get stronger, to impress Vinarth and earn his love, but it never came. All I wanted was a father to love me and say they loved me. When I saw the way Rogue is with Casper, or Macao is with Romeo, and even Gajeel with Wendy, I get jealous because I never had a father who loved me. Even Metalicana said he was proud, and that he loved Gajeel once in a while, and that dragon was ruthless." Rachael explained, tears streaming down her face. Gildarts hugged Rachael tightly.

"I'm sorry I put you through all that pain baby. I don't blame you if you hate me." He cried rocking his little girl side to side as they sat on the ground just outside of the guild, of course the more older dragon slayers heard the whole conversation so (Y/n) and Wendy didn't hear any of the conversation.

"I love you princess." Gildarts said kissing Rachael's forehead.

Rachael smiled and said, "I love you too daddy." as she snuggled closer to her father's chest as she fell asleep because of all the crying she did.

"My baby girl." Gildarts chuckled as he picked up his daughter and walked back into the guild carrying Rachael like a sloth with her legs wrapped around his waist, and her arms around his neck, with her head on his shoulder. Everyone looked at the two in shock, Gildarts hasn't told anyone else he had a daughter. He sat down at one of the tables with Rachael still latched onto him, afraid if she let go for even a second, he would be gone from her for good this time. Gajeel came and sat down next to the crash magic mage. Wendy then came and Gajeel pulled her onto his lap.

"Is mom okay daddy?" Wendy asked worried that maybe her mother is hurt or sick.

"She's okay darling." Gajeel said then kissed the top of her head lovingly.

"Wow this adoption totally makes me a grandpa now huh?" Gildarts said.

"Uh... yeah, I guess it does... haha, sorry old man!" Gajeel chuckled.

"I'm no that old." Gildarts mumbled.

"Ngh... stop... don't touch me." Rachael mumbled in her sleep, and clutched tighter onto Gildarts cloak.

~Two day time skip~

Rachael, (Y/n), Wendy, Lucy, Erza, And Mirajane were getting their hair and nails done, today was a big day. It was the day Rachael and Gajeel were getting married, and the day Wendy would become a Redfox as well, for the couple would sign the adoption form in front of the whole guild plus some other members from other guilds, even Jellal, Lahar, Dorenbolt, and Mr. Yajima came.

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