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Sting had ran a few miles before stopping to take a break, he set Rachael down on a big flat rock and handed her Jason, he turned away as she fed her babies.

"Sting where are we going?" Rachael asked.

"Somewhere far away till Gajeel can kill Cain and find your son." Sting explained.


Y/n ran up to everyone she was beyond mad, she wanted to personally kill Cain and feed his body to her tree babies.

Rogue ran behind Y/n to make sure she didn't get hurt, he would never forgive himself is she got hurt.

 Y/n stopped next to Gajeel and Erza as they looked at Cain as he was holding a little boy, who looked terrified of him, Y/n knew that this was Rachael's son.

 Y/n stopped next to Gajeel and Erza as they looked at Cain as he was holding a little boy, who looked terrified of him, Y/n knew that this was Rachael's son

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Gajeel looked at Y/n as she started to growl at the white haired man.

"Cain give us the boy!" Y/n commanded.

"Now why would I do that, why would I want to give up my first and only son?" Cain cackled setting the boy down behind him.

"His mother wants him back." Gajeel stated.

"Mama?" Landor questioned tilted his head to the side cutely, "Daddy I see mama."

"He's lying kiddo, your mama hates you, that's why she left daddy." Cain said brainwashing the poor child.

"No Landor I'm not lying, if you come with me you can see her, and your two baby brothers." Y/n said crouching down outstretching her hand.

"She had twins?" Cain mumbled to himself.

"Your mama misses you baby boy, and so do I, your mama loves you. She left your father because he's a very bad man, he hurt your mommy, she wanted to take you with us, but your father took you away from her." Y/n lied to the boy, slowly getting closer to Cain and the young boy.

"Don't lie to him N/n." Cain said.

"I'm not Cain." Y/n told the man. She kept distracting him while Karly took Landor and ran trying to find and catch up to Sting and Rachael.

Y/n smirked and backed away. Cain noticed his son now gone.

"Very smart Y/n, distracting me while the crystal dragon slayer took him to his mom." Cain growled out.

"You will never see him again." Y/n glared.

"Is that a threat?" Cain snapped saliva spraying out.

"No, its a promise." Y/n growled back.


Sting stopped for Rachael so she could changer her babies diapers when they heard rustling in a bush, Sting got into a fighting stance when out came Karly holding Landor.

"Mommy?" Landor said tilting his head, Rachael teared up and nodded, the young boy jumped down off of Karly's back and ran to the blond hugging her.

"Mommy is daddy a mean man?" Landor asked his mother.

"Yes baby, daddy hurt mommy." She told him.

"Oh... mommy really pretty and nice." Landor told her as Sting picked them all back up, he nodded to Karly before running off again, Karly ran back to the fight.


"No! I wont let you hurt Rachael or anyone else ever again!" Y/n yelled, "I'LL KILL YOU FIRST!" Cain just chuckled.

"You couldn't if you tried little dragon slayer." Cain was full on laughing now, it was making Y/n and the other dragon slayers even madder at the dark mage.

Rogue held Y/n back from blindly attacking the white haired male, and getting herself injured.

"Calm down, you'll get your chance to get his soon." Rogue whispered to her kissing her temple.

"I'm guessing you two only have a semi-mate bond. I wonder how strong it is. Shall we test it." Cain said as a blond haired, green eyed man walked up beside him.

" Cain said as a blond haired, green eyed man walked up beside him

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"Ahh. Meet Dustin, he's a dark mage, his magic can mess with bonds, its basic mind control." Cain said as the blond smirked.

"Ya miss me Rogue." Dustin cackled. Rogue's eyes went wide.

"You're the man who possessed me!" Rogue yelled.

"Right I am mister, are you ready for me again?"

"Wait this kid is my age, I thought you said young kids are too weak?" Y/n asked looking confused.

"Hmmm, well you'd gotten stronger, but Dustin is stronger, I should know, I trained him myself. You see, I lied, Landor isn't my only son, Dustin is my oldest son, and this time he wants to hurt Rogue this time." Cain said with a smirk.

"We wont let you mess with Rogue's mind again!" Gajeel told him.

"Now Y/n, come." Dustin beckoned, Y/n's face went blank as she began to walk forward almost as if Dustin was pulling her with an invisible rope.

"Good girl." Dustin said as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Don't touch her!" Rogue cried getting angry.

"Hmm, what was that Rogue... That's what I thought, I will do as I please." Dustin said kissing Y/n's cheek.

"Y/n, attack them." Y/n used her magic to send roots out of her fingers.

"Hey dad, can we keep her, she's kinda cute and useful." Dustin said, his arm dropping to her waist and pulled the h/c haired girl closer so he could set his chin on her head.

"Hmm, if you can keep her under control I don't see why not." Cain told him.

Laxus, Gajeel, and Natsu held a growling Rogue back.

"Don't they are trying to get you to attack them blindly, so they can get us while we are unguarded. We are trying to help you, not get you killed." Natsu told him.

"Hmm, still not angry enough. Why don't we kick it up a notch, what do you think son." Cain asked grinning.

"With pleasure." Dustin smirked turning to Y/n and whispered something in her ear, something every dragon slayer heard.

"Kill. Them."

 A maniac smile coated her face.

"Y/N! DON'T!"

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