Any Day Now

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Rogue headed home sad and alone. Rachael had offered for him to stay at hers, but he kindly refused her offer.

"I'll save you baby, just wait for me, then once your safe in my arms again I will mate you and make you mine, I don't care what anyone says." Rogue told himself.

When he got to the cabin he found a note on the couch.

"If you ever want to see your precious mate again, bring me Rachael. I will be waiting for you at the old bridge at sundown tonight. If you don't by then, then Y/n will die. Don't tell anyone, come alone.


Rogue rushed out and back over to the guild, the note clenched in his hand, everyone looked at him as the door slammed opened. He rushed to Rachael and Gajeel and handed them the note.

"What the hell. No! No way!" Gajeel yelled, Rachael looked at Gajeel with a sad look.

"She's my sister babe, I have to." Rachael pleaded.

Rachael came up behind Rogue and put her hand on his shoulder, "Come on, it's almost sundown, lets get going." She said, she kissed Gajeel goodbye then headed out the door with Rogue helping her to walk on her swollen ankles.

Rogue and Rachael were at the bridge, but no one was there.

"Was it all a lie, or were we too late." Rogue mumbled to himself. 

A rustling sound caught them off guard, they looked over to the bushes and out came Cain and Levy, who was trying to drag a fighting Y/n with her.

"Rachael, how nice of you to come." Cain chuckled out, Rachael glared back at the silver haired man.

"Leave my sister alone you perv!" Y/n yelled, well more like growled to Cain.

"Be quiet pip squeak." Levy told the fourteen year old h/c.

"You're one to talk. Y/n muttered to herself rolling her eyes.

"Now give us Rachael, and you can have the runt back." Cain told the two dragon slayers.

Rachael stepped forward when Y/n yelled, "DUCK!"

Rogue grabbed Rachael and dropped to the ground as Y/n yelled, "EARTH DRAGON ROAR!"

She kicked Levy and ran to Rogue and Rachael. Rachael smiled and hugged Y/n, while Rogue kissed the top of her head, none of them noticed the sound of a sword coming towards them until it was too late, they all closed their eyes, Rogue shielding them.


They opened their eyes and turned around to see Gajeel with the blade end of an iron sword between his teeth. He bit down taking a huge chunk out of the side. Gajeel glared at the two mages across the bridge as he chewed the iron between his teeth.

Cain and Levy backed up, "This is not over, I will get Rachael and that baby." Cain yelled as the two disappeared into the trees.

"I hope my children eat your souls! Oh wait you don't have any!" Y/n yelled.


"Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Did he touch you badly?" Rachael asked all these questions.

"Rachael, I'm fine, just worry about your baby not me." Y/n said.

"Okay, okay fine." Rachael sighed.

~Time skip~

Rogue had taken a passed out Y/n home, no one was surprised she passed out from exhaustion, she did have a long day, and as soon as those two left Gajeel and Rachael left as well.

When the two got home Gajeel ran a bath for himself and Rachael so she could relax.

"Come on love, its ready." Gajeel called out to his wife. Rachael walked into the bathroom in a black robe, Gajeel helped her take it off and got into the tub with her.

"After the day we just had this is nice." Rachael said leaning up against the side of the tub.

"You can say that again." Gajeel said grabbing Rachael's feet and rubbing the making her feel even more relaxed, soon she fell asleep and Gajeel helped her out and dried the two of them off before slipping a loose shirt and panties on her and a pair of boxers on himself before he laid down on the huge bed beside his very pregnant wife and falling asleep as well.


"Shhh, Sting walk quieter, my mom's scarier then aunt Y/n when she is woken up too early." Wendy told her mate as the two snuck into her room to go to bed.

~Time skip~

Gajeel and Lily were the first two up, Pantherlily began making breakfast while Gajeel set the table.

"Morning Gajeel." Rachael said rubbing her belly as she sat down with Rosa.

"Here are your pancakes miss." Pantherlily said setting down a plate full of fluffy pancakes in front of the pregnant dragon slayer just as Sting and Wendy came down the stairs they grabbed some toast before running off to the guild.

"Well they were in quite a rush." Lily said, everyone nodded in agreement.


"Gajeel I wanna see Rachael!" Y/n yelled.

"You can soon, now keep it down." Gajeel said while they waited for Rachael to be done her checkup.

Y/n pouted and looked at the wall in front of her, "Fine." She mumbled

Rachael came out of the infirmary with a huge smile on her face.

"Well what's going on?" Gajeel asked.

"The babies are very healthy and will be here any day now, because we are both dragon slayers they will be coming much earlier than human babies." Rachael explained.

"Oh okay... wait... babies, as in more than one?" Gajeel exclaimed.

"Yup we're having twin boys." Rachael beamed.

"Oh my Mavis, I'm having twins... I'M HAVING TWINS!" Gajeel yelled happily as he gave Rachael a big kiss then went to kiss her stomach.

Gajeel was so happy he was going to be a daddy to his very own kids.

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