Old Man

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"Mama, where are we going?" Landor asked.

"Somewhere far away from daddy." Rachael explained.

"We're almost there buddy dont worry." Sting said as he shifted Rachael in his arms.

"You know I can walk on my own now, the pain has dulded down." Rachael said. Sting nodded and sat Rachael down on her feet, then they began to walk. Sting had Jason on his back still while Rachael put Elijah on hers as she held Landor's hand as he walked in between his mother and Sting.

"Mama I gotta tinkle." Landor said doing a little dance.


Rogue looked at Natsu in horror as Y/n slowly stalked forward, a sword made out of sharp rock bound with thorned ivy in her hand ready to strike.

"I will not back off, as long as they have Y/n under their control, I will not rest until I have her back." Rogue said tears forming in his eyes.

The tears in Y/n's lover's eyes triggered a reaction, she snapped out of her trance.

Y/n swang her foot back, she felt it connect with something, she felt the arms that were around her drop. Y/n ran forward to her love, she hugged him, her own tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Rogue!" Y/n cried, her face deep in his neck.

"Its lright baby, it wasnt your fault." Rogue comforted her as he rubbed her back soothingly. Wendy and Gajeel smiled as they saw the happy couple, then their smiles turned grim as they thought about their mates curently on the run with three children.

"LIGHTNING CRISTAL DRAGON ROAR, UNISON RAID!" Laxuse and Karly yelled, hands together, back to back as they roared hitting a large amount of magic at the dark guild mages.

Rogue, Y/n, and all the other mages looked to the top of the guild where the two mates were at.

"I've got an idea, Y/n get all the dragon slayers together." Rogue tolf his lover, she nodded her head then ran around looking for all the dragon slayers that they knew of.

Next thing that happened was all the dragon slayers were on the guild.

"Ready!? On my go we attack!" Laxus commanded standing on the highest part of the guild with Karly by his side, on a bit lower section was Gajeel and Wendy, then even lower was Rogue and Y/n, And then just above the door was Natsu with Gray by his side.

The dragon slayers, and Gray, all got in possition to each fire their unison raid attack with their partners.

They all putt their backs together and held their partner's hands ready for the go signal.

"On my count! One... Two... Three... NOW!" Laxus yelled.





"... UNISON RAID!" Everyone yelled together attaching as one.

The attack destroyed most of the dark mages, only leaving Cain, Dustin, Levy, and a handful of other dark mages.

"Hmm... they're pissing me off." Y/n mumbled only for Gajeel to jump down to hit her over her head then went back up to Wendy.

"No cussing, or I'll tell Rachael when this is over."

"Noooo, Rogue save meee." Y/n yelled hugging the dark dragon slayer.

"You got yourself into that mess, you can get yourself out of it." Rogue chuckled shaking his head.

"But Roooogue." She whinned.

"Nope." He crossed his arms.

On the other side of the battle feild the remaining mages sweat - dropped.

"Are they having a lovers quirell in the middle of a war?" Dustin asked tilting his head and scratching the side of his head.

"I... think so." Cain said also tilting his head to the side.

"Oh hush old man, we are just working out our problems, in a non - violent way." Y/n yelled at the white haired man.

"I'm not that old, I'm still young." Cain yelled back to the young teen.

"Meh, I've seen thousand year old trees who look younger than you."

"Y/n..." Gajeel said.

"Yes brother dear." Y/n replied.

"Shut up." Gajeel said in a monotone voice.

"Oh." Y/n sweat - dropped.

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