Chapter 1

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A black she-cat stood on a roof. Her ears perked as she sensed a mouse near by. The tiny creature came into her view and she launched herself from the roof. Her paw landed on the mouse. She quickly killed it. A noise came from inside of a trash can.

"Who's there?", she hissed.

The trash can started shaking. The she-cat's ears folded back as she dropped the mouse. It looked as if the trash can was going to tip over. Suddenly, the lid flew off into the air, and a large brown tom jumped out. His amber eyes had a wild look as he landed in front of the she-cat. On his collar two dog teeth jingled against each other.

"Welcome to the Underground. My name is Ashfall. I will be your mentor.", he said confidently.

"I've heard stories about the cats there. They were ruthless and killed for fun! Why would...wouldn't I want to join."the she-cat said. The two cats jumped into the trash can.

****************************** LATER ON *********************************

It was connected to the tunnels underground! Ashfall lead her through a complex system of tunnels before meeting a white cat siting by the entrance to a corridor. He had teeth around his collar and a scar running down his back.

"Ashfall who is this cat with you", he said. The cat's voice was strangely high for a Tom and he had a strange accent.

"This is my apprentice. We need more cats to help on the food patrol, you know." Ashfall looked at the Tom who was very skinny.

"She isn't registered. Are you sure you don't want one of the kits?" he said. Ashfall shoved him out if the way and the she-cat followed into the corridor.

"Well this is the Underground. I'll show you to the area for cats five moons and younger.", Ashfall said,"Darkshadow, right?" The she-cat nodded as they passed the Warriors Den. The cats in there were sleeping. These cats looked tough, even asleep!

They passed the nursery,where kits were play fighting with their litter mates. A small she-kit, probably the youngest, seemed interested in Darkshadow. "Hi my name is Brokentai- get back here" her mother interrupted. Ashfall started weaving between the crowds of cats. Darkshadow stayed as close as she could. There was a smaller den, not far from the nursery that held apprentices.

"This is where you'll stay until your training is over. Tomorrow youwill start your first quest and get a collar. I sleep in the warriors den. Oh yeah, apprentices sleep by the entrance. Right over there!" He pointed to where a tunnel might have once lead to another location.

It was well sheltered and five cats were in the den. She walked through the crowds of cats to the den. One tom, Darkshadow's friend Janus poked his two faces out. He blinked, surprised at the fact that his friend was here. Darkshadow ran to the den, wondering why he was here.

The other cats quickly crowded around him. Another tom, with brown fur and amber eyes darted out, His expression was pure hatred. The teeth on his blue blood stained collar looked sharp. "Get away from our next leader!" he yowled. The whole population of the Underground turned around. Darkshadow got ready to defend herself. The tom raked his claws across her side. Darkshadow bit down on his tail. Three cats forced their way through the commotion. One cat was blue-gray and had two faces. Ashfall and a she-cat, Brokentail's mother, were talking.

The tom stopped as soon as he realized the cats were watching them. She used this to her advantage and pinned him. "Oakclaw! What the hell! She's the new apprentice!" the she-cat said. She tuned to the two faced cat and they walked away.

Ashfall stayed, and picked up Oakclaw in his mouth. He always towered over the apprentices and most warriors. Darkshadow followed the toms to the apprentices den. Janus stood in his nest, the floor was covered in strange, colorful, soft materials. Ashfall flicked his tail, all the apprentices in the den looked up. They separated. Janus had a spot towards the back. Ashfall looked at the tom. "Sorry that I tried to fight you. My name is Oakclaw. You see that brown and white cat, that's my brother, his name is Birchlight."

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